5. Taking the Blame

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You woke up with a headache. Quinn was in the bed with you. The last thing both of you remembered was leaving your house and going to the club.

"Wait? Y/n is this your room?" Quinn had asked. You looked around, scratching your head. "It isn't."

The door opened, letting in light that you nor Quinn wanted. "You're right. It's my room."

Your body flopped back on the bed, knowing whose voice that was. "How did we end up at your house?"

Jimin turned on the lights in the room earning a loud groan from both of you. "Well, Jungkook found you two completely wasted at the club."

That's when you realized that Camila wasn't there with you. "Where's Camila?" Quinn asked as if she was reading your mind.

Jimin walked in and put the two mugs of tea on the side table. "She's in Jungkook's room." He sighed out. You looked at Quinn with wide eyes as she did the same.

"Relax...Jungkook isn't even in his room." Your brows furrowed. "He's asleep on the couch." Quinn got off the bed walking past the tea.

"I'm gonna go check on him." She walked out the door, leaving you alone with Jimin. He handed you the cup of tea.

"Drink..." You drank from the cup. "Do you really want Jungkook to stay away from you?" He looked at your tired form.

You nodded and took another sip from the cup.


Quinn looked at Jungkook fondly. "I didn't mean what I said. I just want you to be over her..." She whispered.

Jungkook woke up. With his eyes still closed, he stretched. "Was it uncomfortable to sleep on the couch?" Quinn asked.

Jungkook wasn't fully awake and still didn't want to open his eyes. "That's not important, Y/n." Quinn felt very offended.

How could he mistake me for her? "You're actually speaking to a slightly still drunk Quinn." Jungkook's eyes shot open. He was shocked that he mixed the two up.

"I'm sorry...I just woke up and my mind isn't working fully." Quinn smiled at him. "It's okay."


Cameron arrived at work to see the two women completely out of it. Camila was trying to see if you were fit to go in front of the cameras.

Jungkook walked in with a smile on his face. You furrowed your brows at him. "What's with you?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow at you.

"I just got my girlfriend back." You walked off. Not in anger. Not in annoyance. Not in jealously. But in sickness.

You were sick of Jungkook not seeing what was right in front of him. Jungkook watched you walk off and licked his lips.

Camila chased after you and Cameron snapped at Jungkook. "When are you gonna stop staring at her?"


Jimin was upset. He had been since he couldn't show you the place he wanted to take you to. Jimin couldn't figure out if Jungkook hated you or had feelings for you.

Quinn was upset. She had been since she heard about what Jungkook did with you. Quinn couldn't figure out if he loved her or if he wanted to hurt her.

They both sat there on the couch. Neither wanted to speak to each other. They just wanted answers from both of you.

"Y/n's a bitch..." Jimin glared at the woman next to him. "Why do you say that?" Quinn looked at him. "She slept with Jungkook, knowing that he wasn't single."

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