Chapter 41: Displeasure

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"That's what it's looking like."

"You don't know what the fuck you're even talking about. Now you're really pissing me off because now I know you don't really trust me or my love for you. You woke up and decided to be a clown today, mamita. Hola payasa!"

Candy quietly entered the kitchen, in the middle of rubbing her tired eyes, then her breath hitched as she jumped back, startled by the sight of Ariel pouring himself more cereal while chuckling amusingly at the argument overheard from upstairs. He caught her before she advanced farther into the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge for something light to put in her system. Some Greek yogurt would do for now.

"When the hell did you get here?" Ariel quieried.

Candy glanced at him then back at the spoon picked up from the utensil drawer. She claimed a chair three seats down from his and shrugged a shoulder. "Last night at around eleven."

"Hmph. You alone?"


"That's not what I'm hearing," Ariel's eyes shifted toward the ceiling as reference and Candy sank in her chair.

"I came here alone and didn't spend the night alone but it's honestly not what Aleesia's thinking."

"So what really happened then?" Ariel took a big bite of his cereal and Candy with her spoonful of berry yogurt.

"We talked then we cuddled, nothing more," Candy ate another spoonful, becoming more uncomfortable by the minute. Ariel laughed at her then sucked in a deep breath through clenched teeth. Candy glared at him, "What? We did!"

"That's worse than sex. Cuddling is much more intimate, it's a statement. It don't look right cuddling someone who's in a relationship the whole night while their girlfriend sleeps a room or two down from yours. You realise that, right?"

"I know how it sounds," she grumbled, palming her pulsing forehead. "But literally, that's not it at all. It's none of your business though."

"Tell that to them," Ariel pumped his spoon toward the ceiling. "As far as I'm concerned, it's my business too. Y'all ruined my morning with this drama."


"Baby, baby—baby—baby, please just listen to me. Listen to me, I can explain everything. I can explain!" Lauren went after Aleesia, stumbling over air and the urgency to keep the girl here. She pushed the door, slamming it shut in time, now face to face with her girlfriend. Lauren swept her hair back and rushed out, "Please, Aleesia, just let me explain."

"Ándale pues!" she thrust out her hand, slapping against her thigh as it fell to her side. "Explícame, y no mientas!" (Go ahead! Explain to me, and don't lie!)

"Candy vino a la fiesta a buscarme porque le había pasado algo horrible. No es mi lugar decir qué but it fucked her up pretty bad. Puedes hablar con ella al respecto si quieres saber...pero I won't go there without her permission. You understand? I promise it's nothing like what you're thinking, I just wanted to comfort her until she fell asleep. As soon as she was asleep, I was going to leave but I ended up falling asleep as well—you know what alcohol does to me sometimes. Please, baby, you have to believe me," Lauren pressed her flattened hands together, literally praying for Aleesia to do so. (Candy came to the party looking for me because something horrible had happened to her. It's not my place to say what. You can talk to her about it if you want to know)

"Okay but I'm still very upset with you. I'm hurt, I'm triggered. I don't like feeling crazy, Lauren. I can't take all of this stress, it's just too much—" Aleesia held up her hands and Lauren grabbed them, quickly talking over her.

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