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I woke up this morning with havoc thoughts as I am also wishing that this day would end very soon. Because I am now having regrets on what I did during the Freshmen Assembly. If I'm not stupid enough, I won't raise my hand to candidate as a freshmen representative. But after all, I can't turn back time instead I have to meet hundreds of freshmen again today. It's been a month when the campaign had started and tomorrow will be the final judgment day but for now, I have to focus more today. I think I just need to prepare myself for the bullies around. The eggs which will be thrown at me as I was making speech on the stage and the undying laughter as they are having fun of bullying me. That's what I always seen on movies so to sum up it all for me, today will be the best day of my life. Insert sarcasm there. Yeah.

"Yesha, will you just remain standing there in front of the door? They will start in a few minutes." Belle nudges me on my shoulder which reminds me that I can't go inside the school's gymnasium. Because, this probably was the stupidest thing I've done on my enter life, to be a candidate as a Freshmen Representative.

"Belle, I can't." I told her as my hands are both shaking and sweating.

"Yesha, you can. Come here!"

"No. Belle, I rea-.." as I notice that she opens the door, I urgently close my eyes for I was really scared on what's waiting for me inside. It feels like I'm entering a horror house escapade alone. Oh no. Oh no.

"Yesha, you have to do this. Just wait for the time to pass and let it be over in a while." Yeah, she's right. Let it be over and forget that it happened. As I found the courage to reopen my eyes, Belle came first into my view.

"Thank you, Belle."

"No worries, I'm your bestfriend together with Jenna. Remember? Oh speaking of Jenna, I still have to find her. And you, come up on the stage because it will start in a few minutes."

"Yeah, go and find Jenna. Thank you again Belle."

"Welcome!" She chirped enthusiastically and continued, "We will always be here for you. You should know that." I smiled in return and she just tap my shoulder then leave to find Jenna.

After seeing Belle vanished from my sight, I diverted my eyes in front, it was a huge crowd again. Thinking about later that I will stand in front of all of them makes me really nervous. I can already see unfamiliar eyes blatantly looking at me while murmuring.

On how I survived to get through the stage is really a miracle for me. I sat silently on my reserved seat and try to calm myself down. Not a minute after, booming sounds of drums echoed through the gymnasium. It was followed by few students screaming in excitement. The noise is getting louder and louder.

"James Sanchez for Freshmen Representative!" And the noise came from the Green Party. They alarmed everyone for their arrival.

"James Sanchez for Freshmen Representative!" His supporters continued to cheer until James is now sitting beside me. While the noise gone slowly, I force a smile at him even though I know how uncomfortable I am here as expose to hundreds of freshmen.

In a while, the noise roars again signaling that the Blue Party is coming. The noise went louder and louder again as Ace is now in view of everyone. He's impassive again and he ignores students who are calling his name. He sits beside James and didn't spare a glance to the two of us. Well then, I diverted my eyes in front. Oh my, too many freshmen. Luckily, I saw Jenna and Belle as well as Ivan. Thank you for supporting me guys. I wave my hand a little to them and they gave me exaggerated waves. That's my weird best friends.

"Calm down students." Mrs. Polimdes immediately appeared in stage. "Well then, I assume everyone's a bit excited for our Freshmen Symposium. So to get things on, let's formally start." That's it. The program had finally kicked in and there's no way out.

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