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A month had passed since our lives change. And we all need to go with the flow of adjustments happening. At the hospital, Uncle Julio has undergone series of test and observation to make sure he's stable while Auntie Sheila is always at his side and Auntie Stella is assisting her sister so they are both mostly staying there. However, Ace and I are helping them by taking care of all the duties at the house. I make sure every household chore has given attention so I have doubled my effort in doing every task. At day, I am a student and few weeks ago, I started my training at the company near our school so transportation will never be a problem. I had also informed my Dad about the happenings and he understands if I can seldom visit him personally at the bakeshop. Mostly, I am speaking to him now only over the phone. While Jenna, Belle and Ivan understands me also. They are helping me by making sure to catch up any miss activities when I am absent if the situation is really needed me to be absent. They also justify for me when some of my Professors are thinking that my absences are not reasonable. I know that what I am doing is somewhat affecting my studies but this is the only little sacrifice of me to help the Cervantes' family. And I know this sacrifice is not big enough compare to Ace. On the other hand, I feel sad for him. It is almost a month that he's absent on school and to his training. It is a big loss for him because he is a top 1 student. And we know, many are aiming for his spot at the top. This has become their chance to outpace Ace since he is busy saving their company. Speaking of company, he leaves early in the morning usually skipping breakfast and went home late at night dismissing the dinner. I felt bad for him. Tiredness is obviously present in his eyes every time I see him. Sometimes, I am reminding him that he also needs a rest. He's a human and not a robot that can function every day and night. But constantly, he brushes it off.

Just like today, it's Sunday and Ace doesn't need to work but I saw him walking down the stairs in his usual black suit. I stop sweeping the floor and approach him. "Ace, you don't need to work today. You should rest." I tried to convince him.

"I need to work." Once again, his refusal to me and he left the house as simple as that. What can I do? How can I help him? Oh gosh, I never knew that life could be this so hard. I just get back to my tasks and not in a while Zion came down from his room.

"Good morning Zion. Breakfast is ready. Come on." I prompt him to come with me at the dining room wherein he followed without any words or even complains. Once I was able to set the foods on the table, he started eating without still any words. However, I ascertain that I also felt bad for this little boy. He seldom sees his parents because he needs to focus on his studies so he can't visit on the hospital often.

"Thank you Yesha." Zion muttered out of nowhere which surprises me. He thanks me but for what? For cooking breakfast? I do it often since Auntie Stella or Auntie Sheila is not around at the house but he only thanks me now? And I am disarrayed.

"Uh, Zion what are you thanking me for?" I sat across from him interested for his reasons.

"Thank you for helping my family especially Ace. Don't make me repeat it because I won't." His statement made me laugh. He still doesn't change. He's still just like his brother. They both talk less but with threats.

"I heard it Zion, don't worry I won't let you repeat those words. I got it!" I replied after my laugh died down.

"Okay." He said and no more words followed.

"Just eat there and I will continue cleaning the living room." Not bothering for his reply, I left him at the dining room to finish my tasks.

It's already late at night but Ace is not yet home. And I am starting to get nervous. I want to call him but maybe he's still busy at work finishing whatever business he still had. So to ease my nervousness, I waited outside the gate so I can see him easily when he comes. I am sitting on the pavement looking left and right to alert myself when a car is coming and its getting cold as I waited. He's not still coming and I am getting really cold here. I can also feel that my eyes are dropping but I refuse to come inside. I want to wait and I finally decided to call him after hesitating earlier. It was nearly midnight as I see on my phone's clock. I dial his number waiting for him to pick it up. After ten rings, it goes to his voicemail. Oh no. My nervousness is increasing. I dial his number again when I heard a beep of the car astounding me.

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