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"Finally, it's summer already!" That is my first words upon waking up in a peaceful sleep. We have again two months to spent for leisure! Hmm... How will I start my summer? My reverie was cut off because of the familiar voices I heard downstairs. I immediately fix myself and ran out of my room. Upon reaching the living room, I am not mistaken. "Auntie Sheila and Uncle Julio!" The two are overwhelmed to see their sons again so they didn't notice me until I called their names. They both turn and approach me. "Yesha, we miss you!" And as expected, I was crushed into a hug again by Auntie Sheila while Uncle Julio patted my hair. "I miss you too Auntie!" I replied as we both pulled each other from the hug. I turn to Uncle Julio to acknowledge him. "I will just bring our luggage to our room." Uncle Julio cuts in which Auntie only nodded.
"Sheila.. You're here!" Auntie Stella was surprised to see her sister so I step away to give space to Auntie Stella and Auntie Sheila's moment. While Zion and Ace are both silently sitting on the couch because they already finish their moment with their parents.
In a moment later, Uncle Julio came back to stand beside Auntie Sheila when the both Auntie's are done with their little moment. Auntie Stella headed again to the kitchen to prepare for breakfast. While Auntie Sheila and Uncle Julio look to each one of us.
"We have a surprise for you!" With Auntie Sheila's cheery statement, everyone's mood lightens.
"What is it Mom?" Zion impatiently asks.
"We are all going to the beach tomorrow!" Wow, they will spend their first quarter of summer at the beach.
"How long we will be there?" Ace asked. He seems like the idea.
"Probably a week.... but we're still working on that. And one thing for sure is, we will leave tomorrow! So guys, you better pack up today!"
"We will." Zion chirped. All this time, I am silent because I don't have a say. Why? Because I do not belong in their trip. I guess I will be staying here at the house and help Daddy on the bakeshop.
"Breakfast is ready. Let's eat." Auntie Stella appeared from the kitchen to inform them and they all headed to the dining room leaving me here on the living room.
Not a second after, Auntie Sheila appeared again in my sight. "Yesha, what are you doing there? Come with me. Let's all eat breakfast."
"Nah, it's okay." I dismiss her offer.
"Why Yesha? Problem?"
"No. I'm okay!"
"You sure? Because I want you to come with us tomorrow." With her statement, my eyes widened.
"Of course, Yesha. You should come with us. I won't take no for an answer."
"But it's a family affair."
"Remember what I said to you last time?" I shook my head.
"You're already a family to us! Why you keep on forgetting that?" Ah that's it! The mood shifted into happiness again. They are going to the beach... with me!
"Sorry Auntie." I am sorry for being forgetful.
"No worries. Come. Let's have breakfast together." With that, I stand to go to the dining room with Auntie Sheila.

"Welcome to the paradise!" A woman in a navy blue blouse and pencil skirt greeted us on her desk. "Any reservations Ma'am, Sir?" She asked. Since I am only a company here, I stayed behind with my luggage. It's quite heavy to carry but since it's my belongings after all, I have to deal with its heaviness.
"Yes. Reservations for Julio Cervantes." Uncle Julio answered the woman. And as I see, the woman typed something on her computer as she turned to Uncle Julio again.
"Yes, Sir. Three rooms on the third floor. Rooms 312, 313 and 314. Here are all your keys Sir. Enjoy your stay here." And the woman beamed at all of us. I reward her with one of my smiles too.
Uncle Julio turns to us again. "Ace and Zion, you will be sharing room. Here are your keys." Ace gets the keys from his Dad without uttering any word. While Uncle Julio lends us the third keys which means Auntie Stella and I are sharing the same room.
"Let's go to our own rooms and after an hour, we will meet you at the beach." We all nodded in unison as Uncle Julio ordered us.

Once Auntie Stella and I are on our own room. I can't help but mesmerized by the interior design of the room. It consists of two single beds wherein ocean blue is the color of the sheets as well as the curtains. There is a small wooden white table separating the two beds. The walls are painted with sky blue and white which added to the ambience of peacefulness. I look over at the curtains and amazement overwhelms me, a nice view of the beach is in sight. Wow is all I can say.
"Yesha?" Auntie Stella's voice breaks me from my daze. I immediately turn to her "Yes, Auntie?"
"Are you not gonna change? We will be down later." Oh yeah! I'm excited for that.
"Ah, I was about to change then." I smiled at her and approach my bag on my designated bed. I go for pink shorts, black tank top and my undergarments. I turn to Auntie Stella but it seems she's confused at me. Why? She approaches me and inspects my choice of clothing.
"Is there any problem Auntie?"
"Are you gonna wear this?" She held the tank top and the shorts.
It was my time to nod hesitantly, what is the problem in tank tops and shorts?
"Yesha, you need something better than this!" Huh? What does she mean? Okay, I am now totally lost. "Come here with me." She tugs my arm and lets me sit on her bed. She looks for something in her bags and handed me a garment while smiling widely.
"What is this?" I examine the piece of clothing she handed me. A bikini? Scratch that, this is a strapless black bikini.
"But Auntie, I can't." I shook my head for I can't wear this revealing thing.
"No, you can. Hurry up and change." She ushered me to the bathroom forcefully.
"But Auntie, I really can't. I don't even have a sexy body for this thing." And from the look on her face, she didn't believe me.
"Yesha, you're beautiful. It's time to step a little. You're not a girl anymore, you're a lady now." She has a point there but... this bikini? I don't think, I really can.
"Okay, I'll let you wear your shorts but not the tank top." Is this a negotiation?
"But I am not confident on my boobs." I told honestly as I look down on my small chest.
"It doesn't matter. I'm sure that bikini will really look good on you. And may I remind you, we're here at the beach so expect that every girls will be wearing bikini not only you. Understand?" Yeah, I almost forget about that. That does mean?
"I will be wearing too so go change first and I will follow after you're done."
"Okay." I close the door of the bathroom with a sigh. I only wish this bikini will look good on me. Please bear with me, bikini.

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