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It's been months. Months that my life needs to make it messier and crazier. And it only took that single day to make my life a hell. What is really happening to me? I should be happy today but the memory of that day hunting me. Why Ivan did that? Why did he risk our special friendship for that act? I must say that is stupid! The friendship we had for long years was broken by his proposal. As of now, we are still not talking to each other. I don't know why. Whose fault is that? Who needs to be blame? And I choose to blame myself. Because after pondering all the thoughts, I am the worst person ever. Yes, Ace may had broken me and as a sign of coping, I turn to Ivan and did that to him. I broke Ivan too. With this whole craziness of my life, a part of me has lost. Ivan.

"Yesha, are you ready?" Upon thinking on what I lost, I forgot that this day should be one of my memorable days of my life. I will be graduating in college. After all those years of spending my life at school, I will be finally leaving them to face a tougher world the professional world. The reality.

"Uh..Dad. Yes.. I'm ready." Making sure that everything is okay. My dress, my gown, my cap, my invitation, my ribbon. We are ready to go and treasure the moment.

At the car, I choose to be silent. I still don't know what to do. I want to mend things with Ivan. I also want to say sorry to Samantha and most importantly, to Ace. Yes, it's unsettling for me that I have a grudge towards Ace. It's just devastating me. Maybe, when we compromise, I can finally let him go. I can finally be free from my feelings for him. But as I say those things, I know deep inside which still buries in my mind is I still have strong feelings for him. I can't forget him right away. I can't manage to erase my feelings for him that easy. He has been a great part of me.

"Yesha, where do you plan to work?" My Dad asked me breaking my own thoughts and the silence.

"Uh.. I applied for many companies within the area. Whoever calls me first, I will take the chance and as I am waiting, I just decided to help you at the bakeshop." I smiled to him.

"That's great. I'm so happy Yesha. Your Mom and I's dream for you have finally come true. You're only a step away to graduate. I just hope she's here to see you on the stage, receiving your diploma." My ever thoughtful Dad. I love him so much and he knows that.

"Dad, this achievement of mine is yours and Mom's achievement too. Without Mom and you, I will not be here. Think of that!" I try to lighten his mood.

"You're right. Out of love, you came into our lives." I smiled again for his heartwarming words. I just wish Mom is also here so we can be the happiest family ever.

"I owe Mom and you for everything." I squeeze his hand and he only nods then smiles at me.

We arrive at the school a little early. Jenna, Belle and I agreed to wait for each other at the main entrance so we can see each other before the ceremony starts.

"Dad, you can go inside and find a comfortable seat. I will just wait for Jenna and Belle here."

"You sure?"

"Very sure. See you later." I answer with a grin spread across my face.

"Okay. Just don't be too long okay?" I nod with still the smile and he finally enters the auditorium where the ceremony will be held.

I am still waiting even almost 10 minutes have passed. Why are they taking too long? Don't tell me they are late? Oh, those two! I still wait patiently but suddenly a hand grabs my arm to bring me on the left hallway of the place. I can't protest any more because we are already in a corner, not too noticeable but when you are suspicious, you can see where we are. I look up to see this idiot who drags me without concern.

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