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"Senior Year here I come! Finally! Finallyyyyyy.....!" I sang in an off key tone but I don't mind. I am just so excited because this will be my last year on College! Since today is our first day, I promise to attend all my classes even our best friend's tradition is not to attend every first day. I am heading downstairs when I saw Ace on the living room together with Auntie Sheila. Speaking of Ace, I feel sad for him because he wasn't able to continue his studies last year and he won't still resume on studying again this year.

"Good morning Yesha. Going to school?" Auntie Sheila asked me after the hug she gave me. Uncle Julio has discharge from the hospital few weeks ago and he is still currently taking a rest. He can't still handle the work according to his doctor.

"Yes, Auntie!" I look up to Ace to see his reaction but it seems, he doesn't even notice me. So sad.

"Uh, Yesha, can we talk for a while?" Oh no. What is it? Auntie Sheila's mood has become worried. Okay. This might be important.

"Sure Auntie." And since we are in the living room. I make myself comfortable by sitting on the couch.

"Mom, I'll go to the office now." Ace speaks. He still did not look at me. Why?

"Ace, you must stay here." Uh Oh. Auntie Sheila's voice is serious. Wait. They have something to tell me and I can see that this is important and very serious.

"Mom, I am needed at the office!"

"But Ace, supposed to be you're the one who's telling this all to her!" Oh, Auntie Sheila's mad? It is so early in the morning and an argument is arising. No. No. No.

"She has nothing to do with my decision!" Okay. I am confused. They are arguing about me. What is it about me again? I remember before that Uncle Julio and Ace are arguing about me and now it is Auntie Sheila and Ace.

"Excuse me but what is it about me?" I asked stupidly while they are in the middle of argument. Finally, Ace looks at me and he's annoyed. Why again? Did I do something wrong?

"Yesha, you have to go to school. Come on." Is it that Ace wants to tell me? Oh. He wants to drive me to school? I smiled upon the realization. Oh, Ace. My handsome yet shy Ace.

I was about to stand when Auntie Sheila stopped me. "Ace, she needs to know now. Don't keep it from her!" Huh? So my conclusions are wrong?

"Mom! I'm leaving." Without a glance, Ace leaves. How about me? He said he will drive me to school. Why Auntie Sheila stopped me? Everything is confusing.


"Auntie, Is there any problem? You had argued with Ace about me. What is it about me?" This time, I feel the bravery in me so I ask the question bugging my mind. I am the cause of their argument and it's unsettling for me.

"Yesha, you need to know something." And suddenly, my heart beats faster. I am becoming nervous. No. No. There has no something to be nervous about. I convince myself.

"Yes, Auntie? What is it?" I am surprised that I can still mutter those words since I am confirming on myself that I am really nervous now. I just don't know why.

She takes time looking at me and breathe a deep sigh. Why I have a feeling that I won't like this conversation. What might be the reason of this conversation? Oh, Holy Lord please be with me. I stare at my fingers on my lap trying to ease the tension.

"Yesha, Ace ... .. ....... ........ soon." What? I look up at Auntie because I don't understand what she said, it is merely a whisper and she is already crying. Seriously, I don't understand. I only catch up the words, 'Ace', and 'soon'. So I can't form any thoughts about what Auntie said. I sat beside her so I can comfort and let her repeat what she said.

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