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It's been a week since that 'tragic love' experience hit me. It's been a week that I am absent at school. It's been a week that I am not talking to anybody except to my Dad. It's been a week that I am here at the bakeshop, doing nothing but to cry and eat and sleep. And I am thankful to my Dad, because he lets me to be. Admittedly, I miss the old me. The happy-go-lucky and jolly me. But I think, I need more time to see me like that again.

My bestfriends are always still keeping in touch with me. They are calling me everyday asking how am I doing and if I'm okay. I told them that I will be okay and I just need more time to be alone and they understand it. Because they know that I will tell them the truth behind my sudden absence from school when I'm ready. I refuse to let them visit me one time when they asked me because I want to be really alone. Ivan also notices my disappearance and he contacted me if I was okay or what happened to me. I only told him that I am going through with something and I will be okay. He was so worried about me and I told him not to. Auntie Sheila also keeps in touch with me. Upon hearing my decision that I will stay for my Dad for a while, she was really upset because she blames herself. But I told her not to. She's not the reason why I am like this. While Ace, after our confrontation, he did not speak to me nor even attempted to see me. He doesn't care to me at all and I must accept that fact.

"Yesha?" My Dad called me after he knocks on the door. Actually, this room where I am currently staying is his personal room at the bakeshop. Since it is only for a single person, I am staying here while my Dad is sleeping on the couch in his office and I feel guilty. Many are affected on what I am doing.

"Yes, Dad?" I sit up on the bed and he approaches me by sitting also on the bed.

"Are you still crying?" I must admit the truth that I just recently cried.

"I'm okay now Dad." I assured him.

"I think you're not."

"Dad, I'm okay. I promise." Actually, I am pretending to be okay.

"Do you want to do something or let's go somewhere?" Sounds like a good idea but I'm not ready yet to face the world. I'm not ready yet to be happy.

"Sorry Dad but I want to stay here. Sorry."

He sighs, obviously disappointed. "I understand." He was about to leave when I think of a better plan.


"Yes?" He turns to me again.

"I guess I should redecorate this room. Can I?" I asked and he thinks for a while before he answers.

"It's up to you. At least you're doing something new." He's implying to my limited actions these past few days. Like I said, I only eat, cry and sleep or sometimes replied to the text messages of my chosen friends and to Auntie Sheila.

"Sorry Dad." And now, I am a burden to him. Oh, how I hate myself right now.

"I understand you but promise me once you're ready to be happy again, you're treating me on a date?"

"Yes Dad. It will be my treat and that would be the best date ever!" I tried to sound jolly but I feel awkward.

"I'm counting on that! Okay, I'll leave you here. Good luck in redecorating." And he leaves. I sigh knowing it's really hard to pretend to my Dad that I'm okay. Well then, I need to get started. I think I need to be productive. A week is now enough to sulk on him.

It took two hours for me to redecorate this single room of my Dad. I was tired. Yeah, but I was happy at least I forgot about him for a while. I took a shower after my general redecorating and not in a while, my Dad emerges again on the room.

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