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After school, I went straight to Daddy's bakeshop. I already missed him so I decided to pay him a visit. After two hours of staying there, he dropped me off at Cervantes' Residence around 7 pm. I enter the house and something is wrong. Auntie Stella is not on the kitchen. I usually find her there but tonight she's not. I guess, she's on her room or somewhere here around the house. But what bothers me more is.. The house is too quiet. I just shrug and went straight into my room to change. After in a while, I get bored inside my room so I went down and decided to look for Auntie Stella and Zion. Well, Zion must be on his room. While I don't know where is Ace, maybe he's still at school. Speaking of Ace, I heard his car outside and not in a while, he enters the house.
"Hi, Ace. I wonder where Auntie Stella is? I don't see her anywhere here?" I asked him right away while my mind drifts again to what happened on the school party. He kissed me there but I kissed him back here. Hihihi. Oh, you're getting stupid Yesha. Stop thinking those moments!
"She's not here as well as Zion. They will be back tomorrow afternoon." He answered smoothly. They will be back..tomorrow? Afternoon? What? Why? Does that mean Ace and I...? We're alone? Oh my God!
"But...wh.. why?"
"Zion is having a field trip and Auntie Stella is his attending guardian." He walked passed me to go to the kitchen and I followed him.
"Why I didn't know that?" I asked him again pretending to look calm but the truth is I am nervous inside. Imagine. Me and Ace? Alone?
"Maybe she forgot to tell you or maybe it's the other way round." He walks towards the fridge and get bottled water. Did I really forgot? Oh yeah, I remember now! She told me last night that they will be gone for a day and a night because of Zion's school activities. Oh, how forgetful you are Yesha!
"Oh..I see.. so.. You and I? Only at the house?"
"Yes. Why?"
"Uh.. Nothing! Yes. Nothing!" With that, I left the kitchen and run towards my room. I locked the door and pushed all the chairs and tables on my room towards the door. There's no way, we are doing that thing. I am not prepared. Oh my God! No.
I lie on my bed after I become too tired of pushing the chairs and tables to block the door. Without any warning, my eyes landed on my closed closet. Thinking of the lingerie Jenna had given me. Oh my God! Stop corrupting your mind Yesha!
Suddenly, my stomach growls. Oh no. Not this time. I ignore the feeling then I settle comfortably on my bed. I just have to sleep to get rid of this feeling. So then I close my eyes peacefully... but my stomach is really protesting. I had my early dinner at the bakeshop but since I used all my energy by pushing the furniture, I am hungry again. I was coming up on an idea. No Yesha! I shook my head. There's no way I would go all the way downstairs to eat.

Arghh.. I can't! Okay. I am defeated. I walk towards the door and push again all the tables and chairs so I can get outside. Once I left my room, I tiptoed downstairs. As I reach the kitchen, the light is off. Guess I have to do again another mission. Operation: Eat anything without Ace knowing. I reach the fridge silently and opened it then I search for any edible food just to calm my little stomach. Gratefully, luck is on my side, I found a piece of chiffon cake. This will do. I grab it and started eating. Not bothering any proper eating etiquette. Eat. Eat. Eat.
Yiek! I shriek because the lights went on again. Shoot!
"Someone is hungry on midnight." I sigh as a relief. Atleast, the one who caught me is Ace. I thought, there's some evil person who sneaks into the house.
"Soorr..reeey.." I mumble with crumbles of cakes still on my mouth. He walks towards me, smile is playing in his lips.
"What?" He asked. I swallowed all what is on my mouth and stared at him.
"I said. Sorry.. I was just really hungry." I put the plate on the sink. Then I turn my back to him as I grab a bottle of water on the fridge and drink from it. I suddenly become conscious. He is watching my every movement without saying anything. Why? Hmmm. I decided to just better ignore him. I wash the plate and dried them then I turn to him to say I'm leaving but I was caught off guard. He is in front of me and we were inches apart which an ordinary ruler can measure the distance.
"Why?" I asked staring at his mesmerizing eyes.
"I wonder why you are ignoring me tonight." Because I'm afraid we're going to end like this.
"I'm not."
"Yes, you are." His face is inching closely.
"Yes." His face is inching more closely.
"N..noooo?" I am stuttering because he's too closer.
"Yes." Oh my God. He whispers seductively. At this moment, he already caught me by his charms and I'm falling for it. I lost this staring contest because I close my eyes and inch my lips towards his. Waiting for our third kiss to happen.
His lips. I will feel it again. His.. lips is as soft as marshmallows. I wait.. and wait.. and wait.. why I feel nothing?
I open my eyes and he is still staring at me. Suddenly, he smirks. Stupid Yesha, why did you fall for his trick?
"Hey, can you please stop smirking?"
"Have you seen your face? Are you waiting for me to kiss you?"
"Yes." I answered truthfully and disappointedly.
"Not happening." He walks away leaving me alone at the kitchen.

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