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"Move on Yesha, move on!" I chanted to myself as I am going out of my room. My last class had just ended. "Move on Yesha, move on. I told you that I gave up on him so prove it!" I chanted more. "Move on! Move.."

"Booooo.." Shocks! I was startled by Jenna who purposely did it.

"Jenna, I merely had a heart attack there." I said as I put my hands over my heart.

"Sorry.. I just saw you that you are talking to yourself. So Yesha... you okay?"

"I will be okay." I assure her.

"Come on, I have to tell you something!" She tugs my arm and drags me towards the University garden. Not so many students are here so it's quite peaceful. We approach a vacant table and sat there. "Yesha, I want to share something I learn from my experience of being heartbroken." Wow. Is this true? Jenna is being serious now. I want to laugh but she's deadly serious.

"Jenna, why are you doing this?"

"I just want to give you hope as what you did to us when we're down. I want to share with you that once you're heartbroken, life is not unfair. Come on. Better listen to me." Okay. I need to listen to her keenly. I will have something to get from her. "When France and I are together, I am the happiest girl ever that time. I tend to forget everything around me because all I think is him. But when we broke up, I realized that my life doesn't only evolve on him. Yes, he's been a great part of my happiness but what I understand when he's gone is I can be happy in other ways. I still have my family who will never leave me whoever I am. I have you and Belle who support me whatever craziness I made. And besides, I am happy with my studies because I believe that I am only step away from my dreams. Remember, I want to be a rich business woman and we will build our own company? And the bottom line of everything is, life does not only focus on someone. He should only be a part. You need to divide yourself on each aspect so when the other part is gone, you will not be completely empty. Understand?" She is telling me all this so I can move on. I was loss for words. She's right. I still have my Dad who loves me unconditionally. I have Jenna, Belle as well as Ivan who won't leave me. I'm sure that even I am not in good terms with Ace, I still have his family. There are still many people who can love me. And when I love, I also need to love myself. That is very true.

"I truly understand Jenna. Thank you for the insights. I promise that when I love again, I will also love myself now." I smiled upon my newly found hope.

Suddenly, my phone rings. I look at it and an unknown number is registering on the screen. Who might this be? I pick it up.


"Uh.. Is this Yesha?"

"Yes? Who is this?"

"Yesha, its Luke."


"Yeah. Yeah. I called you to inform that Belle gave birth to our child earlier this morning. Belle wants to see you and Jenna."

"Belle gave birth?!?!"


"Oh my God! Oh my God! We will be there. What is the address?" And he told me immediately. I ended the call and turn to Jenna.

"Is it about Belle?" Jenna asked me right away.

" Come on." I stand and we rush towards the hospital.

"Belle! Belle!" Jenna and I shouted as we headed to her room. We are happy and at the same time worry for her. We hope she's okay and the baby. Oh God. This is very good news.

I Gave My First Love To YouOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant