#57 | Embrace ✿ Connor x Fem!reader

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Requested: yes!

Title: "Embrace"

Pairing: Connor x Female Reader

Warnings: none

Note: once again, if you see a typo, do let me know so I can correct them! Thank you!

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(y/n) knew she needed to take a break the moment the words on her computer screen began fusing together

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(y/n) knew she needed to take a break the moment the words on her computer screen began fusing together. Not even blinking a few times did anything to help her clear her sight in the slightest. She had tried; once, twice. On the third time failing to clear her sight, she gave up, and closed her eyes.

She had lost track of how long she'd been working on those reports, however, she knew it had been long enough to have her brain completely and utterly drained—and her eyes absolutely done with focusing on anything, at all.

After rubbing her tired eyes, and letting out a soft sigh, the detective stood slowly from her chair, feeling just a tad dizzy as she let her gaze dart around the nearly-empty bullpen. Just a couple officers continued to work on reports at their designated desks; some androids lingered around, idly. Captain Fowler still remained in his office, though just as tired as the rest; (y/n) had a feeling he had just as much difficulty reading the reports as she saw him squinting at the screen, probably mumbling some profanities under his breath.

Out of all that stayed working late that day, androids and humans, just one of them seemed to be somewhat busy, still working properly and fully active; and this caught her attention.


The RK800 sat by Hank's desk, and entertained himself with his faithful coin, tossing it and rolling it over his knuckles every once in a while; from time to time he'd glance up at Hank's terminal, scanned the reports, and typed away something before he left it loading something else. Unlike anybody else, Connor actually enjoyed doing his job.

(y/n) let her gaze linger a little longer on the brunet as a small smile tugged on the corner of her lips. Her smile widened a tad just a few seconds later, when Connor suddenly glanced up and met her eyes. Accompanied with a short nod of his head, he sent her a gentle smile in acknowledgement. She returned the gesture immediately, somehow feeling just a bit more energized after that kind exchange of gestures.

At least, she felt enough energy to stand up and head straight to the break room—if she wanted to keep working on those reports before going home, she needed a coffee in order to be herself again. Or, at least, in order to be able to finish all those reports. It took her no longer than a few minutes to get herself a nice and warm cup of coffee.

As she exited the break room, (y/n) then noticed one of the officers was leaving; lucky enough to have finished his work, she presumed. What made her smile was the fact that his wife and child had actually come to the bullpen—probably the little one wanted to be with his father, and had dragged his mother all the way to the station to see him. (y/n) couldn't help but stare at the family as the officer picked up the little boy in his arms, and gave him a long, tight hug. He embraced his wife afterwards, just as they all turned to leave the station.

However, the officer—she recognized him quickly as Detective Ripley—looked over his shoulder and directly at her. He waved goodbye, sending her a kind smile before he left with his family.

(y/n) returned both kind gestures, feeling even better now.

And as she turned to head back to her desk, she collided with a hard chest; she almost spilt her freshly made cup of coffee as she bumped into this person, and a relieved sigh escaped her when she noticed the cup was intact after the fact.

(y/n) glanced up to meet Connor's brown orbs already looking at her inquisitively. "I apologize, (y/n). I didn't mean to startle you."

She shook her head softly. "It's alright, Connor."

Connor nodded appreciatively, allowed a small smile to grace his lips. Then, he turned to stare at the bullpen's entrance with a subtle frown adorning his visage. (y/n) raised an eyebrow, looked at him questioningly as she darted her gaze between the doors and the android.

"You okay, Connor?" She asked quietly, tilting her head slightly.

The android took a few seconds to react. "Yes. I was just analyzing Detective Ripley's public display of affection."

(y/n) couldn't help but giggle at his choice of words. "You mean, the hugs he gave his wife and child."

"Precisely. Perhaps you could enlighten me, (y/n)."

At this, she grew interested. Taking a small sip from her coffee, she hummed softly. "Sure. What'd you wanna know?"

"How does a hug feel like?"

It might have been the question, or maybe the facial expression with which Connor had asked; whatever reason, (y/n) could clearly see he was genuinely curious. Perhaps his obviously developing deviancy had finally taken control—or was about to, hopefully. His desire to know what such a human thing felt like could probably be a sign.

Despite this, the question still caught her off guard. "Pardon?"

Connor fidgeted with his coin as he readjusted his standing position—almost seemed like he actually was nervous. "I was wondering..." he paused, and quickly looked to the side, as if avoiding her inquisitive stare. "I've never been given a hug before." He declared, and paused again, this time looking down at the floor. "I was just wondering how receiving a hug feels like."

(y/n) couldn't help but smile sweetly at the android. And she decided, right then and there, she'd help Connor figure it all out.

Without saying a word, she moved to the side to place her cup on a nearby desk, ignoring completely Connor's thoughtful frown as he watched her. Once she got rid of her coffee, she moved to stand back in front of the brunet, and glanced up at him with a cheeky smile plastered on her face. And, before he could react, she quickly moved forward, arms wide open and ready to trap him against her.

(y/n) gave him the tightest embrace she could muster as she buried her face in his chest, firmly wrapping her arms around his waist.

For a minute, none of them moved. But soon she felt how Connor slowly brought his arms around her frame, and returned her tight hug carefully. Only after another minute did he finally relax, and placed his chin on top of her head comfortably. (y/n), after finally sensing this, let out a small, relieved sigh.

Almost in sync, they both pulled away from the embrace after a little while. She stared up at the android with great curiosity, searching his face for his reaction. At first, he had a neutral expression decorating his visage; but that soon turned into a delighted one, added a small, cute smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth subtly.

"So?" She questioned, grinning. Connor remained quiet, though his smile never faded. "I'm just gonna guess you liked it, and that you want another hug." She stated. He nodded quite eagerly at her statement, action that had (y/n) giggling, and opening her arms once again.

This time, it was Connor who pulled her into his embrace without hesitation.

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