#30 | Protector P.2 ✿ Kara x Fem!reader

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Title: "Protector P.2"

Pairing: Kara x Human!female reader

Warnings: violence / death / swearing


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"... And I will protect you, too, (y/n)."

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The day went on quickly; quicker than (y/n) expected.

It was around 9 pm when someone shook her awake from her nap, energetically. She was tired; had been working almost full time at small jobs here and there to get enough money to pay their monthly bills. For once, she didn't have to work anywhere—she stayed home, and took a nap in her room peacefully as she knew Kara would take care of Alice. She slept for three hours, but she still felt like she had not slept at all when she fluttered her eyes open and rubbed her face.

With half-lidded eyes, she sat up slowly and glanced at whoever had awakened her—her (e/c) eyes widened when she saw Alice standing there with tears falling freely down her cheeks.

"Alice!" (y/n) knelt on the ground before her and held her shoulders softly, worriedly looking at her up and down. "What happened? Alice, are you okay?" she asked nervously.

Alice shook her head and shakily pointed at the door, just as an angry, loud rage-filled scream echoed through the house.

"I just wasn't good enough for her!"

"He's angry... again..." Alice's voice was quiet, almost below a whisper as she slowly hugged (y/n)'s neck and tried to hide in her embrace.

(y/n) immediately hugged her, and stood up, bringing Alice's tiny body with her. She held her tightly in her arms as more shouts came from downstairs, screams of anger that only could be coming from one person—Todd.

"Kara..." (y/n) whispered, as she realised she had no idea of where Kara was. A shiver ran up her spine at the mere thought of Kara being destroyed again by Todd. Slowly, she placed Alice on the floor and cupped her little face with both hands, making her look up at her with glassy eyes. "Alice, I'm going to find Kara; I want you to hide under the bed until we come back, okay?" she said quietly, earning a hesitant nod from the kid.

She let go of her, and Alice immediately crawled under the bed. (y/n) took in a deep breath and faced the door. Something in the pit of her stomach ignited, felt like she had something burning deep inside of her; her heart was pounding, shivers continued to shake her being as more screams reached her ears. Without a second thought, she dashed for the door.

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