#1 | Fix You ✿ Markus x Android!reader

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Title: "Fix You"

Pairing: Markus x Android!female reader

Warnings: none


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She laid there, eye half open as she stared up at the dark sky. The moon and the stars slowly started to disappear; a large mass of dark grey clouds replaced them all in just a few minutes. Not too long after, soft drops of rain began to fall—yet, she couldn't hear it at all.

At first she was confused. However, it took her just a second to realise where she was, and the state she was in. Her good eye wandered over to observe the area around her; the junkyard. Androids—or what was left of them—were scattered all around; some still whole, some missing a limb, others barely looked like androids at all. Legs, arms, heads, and even torsos lied around, lifeless. What shocked her even more was that there still were living androids, like her, trying to find a way out of that place. Androids that refused to accept their inevitable fate—what humans called death.

A quick reboot of her software had been enough to wake her up and have her aware of her situation. She must've activated the reboot by herself, in an attempt at defying death. But even after managing to come back to life, she still wasn't sure if she'd be able to get out of that place. With one quick analysis she noticed she was missing a lot of components—she was missing both of her audio processors, her right leg and arm, and one of her optical units. She also noticed her thirium pump regulator was malfunctioning.

And yet, despite all the damage, she felt... alive.

Blinking a few times, she used her remaining arm to push herself sideways and forced her limp body to turn around and lie on her stomach. With the rain drenching everything around her, the dirt soon turned into mud and her synthetic body was almost instantly covered in it—not that she minded. She had other things in her artificial mind to worry about: her main focus was to find functional and compatible components around the junkyard to fix herself up.

With one quick glance around her, she saw a leg that had been tossed not too far away from her—she also saw a couple of androids that still were alive, but she paid no attention to them at all. Slowly, she crawled towards the synthetic leg; moving her arm forward and boosting her body further toward the component with her good leg. She soon made it. Once again, she pushed herself to the side so she was again lying on her back. She picked up the leg and analysed it.



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