#34 | Protect Her ✿ RK900 x Human!Child!fem!reader

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Requested: by SophieNoel6

Title: "Protect Her"

Pairing: RK900 (Nines) x Human!Child!female reader

Warnings: swearing [ between Gavin and Hank, I honestly don't know who swears more] / domestic violence / death


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The RK900 stood in front of the apartment building completely still, while his light blue eyes scanned the whole place quickly and took in everything he was able to detect

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The RK900 stood in front of the apartment building completely still, while his light blue eyes scanned the whole place quickly and took in everything he was able to detect. His partner, Detective Gavin Reed stood next to him while he talked to another officer about their new case.

Nines listened to the debriefing intently as he continued to glance around him, then his eyes got fixated on the ambulance that had pulled over near the crime scene. His gaze soon fell upon the figure of a little girl clutching a warm blanket tightly around her; shivers continued to shake her tiny body despite the fact.

"She saw everything?" Nines heard Gavin ask with a hint of shock and concern in his voice—something that surprised the RK900, since Detective Reed wasn't exactly well-known for being... caring. "I'm gonna guess it was their domestic android, huh?"

"Correct, detective." The officer confirmed. "Eyewitnesses assure that they saw the android running outside the building after the crime, though they can't tell if it was really the android, nor where it went." The officer added, making Gavin sigh.

"Its decision of running away wasn't planned, it was driven by fear." Nines stated. "Probably because of what it did to the girl's father. It was overwhelmed by its emotions."

"That still doesn't tell us where it went." Gavin raised an eyebrow and glanced at Nines. "Damn thing probably wanted to hurt the girl too, I bet. Any ideas?"

"It didn't have a plan, and didn't know where to go. Maybe it's still here." Nines turned to look at the ambulance again. He looked at the little girl. "Maybe she knows something."

"Phck, Nines... She just saw her android murder her father! Do you really think questioning her right now is a good idea?" Gavin's eyes widened in slight shock as he darted his gaze between the little girl and the android.

Nines stayed silent for a moment, and then looked at Gavin, once again surprised at the detective's sudden concern for the girl. "I didn't expect that from you, detective." He said with a slightly amused tone. Gavin simply rolled his eyes and scoffed. "I'll be careful with my words." He added, trying to sound convincing.

Gavin stared at him, then at the girl. Shaking his head in defeat, he motioned at the android to go ahead while he went inside the building instead. Nines waited until Gavin was out of sight to finally approach the seven-year-old.

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