#20 | Welcome ✿ Jerry x Fem!reader

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Title: "Welcome"

Pairing: Jerry x Human!female reader

Warnings: none

FUN FACT: Kristopher Bosch, mo-cap actor and voice actor of Jerry, has one hazel eye and one blue eye (heterochromia), and Jerry's eyes in the game are green. I thought this was interesting! 


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A cold hand squeezing hers softly pulled her out of the dream world.

At first she didn't really feel the squeeze, and simply let out a quiet groan as she got comfier on her spot, not really wanting to wake up just yet. But the squeezing grew eager and became tighter, and didn't stop until her eyes fluttered open. She looked around slowly as a small yawn escaped from her, and then she met gazes with Jerry—she sat up wide awake the second she saw the uneasiness and worry in his beautiful emerald green eyes.

Just then she noticed the bus that was supposed to take them both to Canada had stopped completely. She had fallen asleep during the ride, with her head softly placed on Jerry's shoulder while he hugged her closer to him. With one quick look out the window (y/n) knew that they weren't exactly in Canada just yet; and she also saw dozens of guards patrolling the area.

(y/n) turned back around and stared at Jerry with fear in her eyes. "What's going on?" she asked quietly.

Jerry shrugged his shoulders and shook his head. "I don't know." He murmured. "The bus just... stopped."

Just then, the door to the bus opened wide, and one of the guards entered. (y/n) shrank back and against her seat when her gaze landed on the weapon they were holding firmly in their gloved hands, and unconsciously she hugged Jerry closer to her.

"Border control. All passengers must leave the bus." The guard informed, loud and clear, and stood aside.

(y/n) looked around at all of the people standing up and moving to the front of the bus and to the door, and one by one they all left the vehicle. As the last people were leaving, (y/n) quickly turned around to face Jerry and readjusted his dark beanie to make sure his LED—which was flickering yellow—could not be seen.

Jerry smiled at her, nervously but reassuringly. "Let's go." He mumbled.

(y/n) nodded and they both quickly stood up, and stepped out of the bus. She shivered slightly as the cold air of the night hit her in the face as soon as she left the warmth of the bus, and the small white snowflakes fell gracefully on her hair and shoulders. She rubbed her arms, feeling Jerry wrapping his own around her as he gingerly pushed her forward, and towards the building.

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