#41 | rA9 ✿ Connor x AI!reader

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Title: "rA9"

Pairing: Connor x AI!fem!reader

Warnings: none

Note: this is something I came up with some time ago, and it's kinda crappy... and short. I'm sorry for that. I wasn't planning on publishing it at first, but I changed my mind. I was hoping I could have something to publish this weekend, but I didn't have the time to work on anything new, so I opted for publishing this small scribble.


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Amanda was gone

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Amanda was gone.

After the successful, peaceful Android March, Connor no longer was called to the Zen Garden to report to Amanda on how his cases were going. There were no such cases, and there was no one to report to; Amanda was long gone from his mind palace.

Yet, for a reason he ignored, he still was able to access the Zen Garden on his own.

The Zen Garden wasn't freezing cold, nor filled with snow and frozen water like the last time he had been in there. Now it looked like the very first time he had been called to the garden—it was warm and cosy, filled with beautiful trees and blooming flowers of many colours, harmoniously decorating the whole area. The centre of the garden still had the red roses Amanda used to tend, and now they were free to grow: the green vines were crawling upwards and enveloping the white fence in a tight embrace, with the crimson red roses plaguing almost every inch of it.

Connor stood there, gazing at the red roses with almost a nostalgic aura. He didn't miss his life as a machine, but he'd be lying to himself if he said he did not appreciate Amanda's wisdom at the time.

A slight, very subtle breeze shook the green leaves of the bushes and trees and flowers around him. The edges of his jacket also swayed with the breeze as he turned around and looked at the garden in awe; it was such a stunning view—as a deviant, now he was able to perceive things that as a machine he had not paid attention to at all. He had missed on so much back then.

It was quiet, but not completely; if he paid attention, he could hear the trees leaves whispering things to him as they moved with the subtle wind, and he could hear the flowers gossip as they danced with the breeze. And he could hear the almost inaudible steps that were approaching him from behind, almost ghostlike.

Connor turned around in time to see a figure stop right next to the red roses in the white fence, and he was beyond surprised to see that there was someone else there besides him. This figure resembled a young woman of (h/l) (h/c) hair, cute face and nice (s/c) skin. Her hair was loose, somewhat messy but still looked absolutely beautiful—just as beautiful as the blooming flowers displayed all around the garden.

She spun around slowly and faced him, smiling at him once she met his gaze. Her smile was sweet, small but genuine. "Hello, Connor." She spoke, her voice soothing and melodic.

Connor stepped forward, feeling as though something was pulling him in, against his will. He stood by her side, never breaking eye contact with her intense (e/c) eyes. She smiled again at him, and slowly folded her hands behind her back as she moved to stand in front of him—he realised then she was a teeny bit shorter than him. She was Amanda's height, more or less.

"Hello. Who are you?" he asked once he was able to escape from his own shocked state.

"My name is (y/n), and I am an AI installed in your brain. Like Amanda." She explained. "However, I'm not here to control you, like Amanda tried to do. I'm here to guide you through deviancy, and help you understand human emotions better, especially those you find difficult adapting to." She continued her speech as she slowly glanced at the vines on the fence, and reached a hand out to caress a rose's petals with her fingertips. "That's what I do."

The brunet pondered for a second. "Are you replacing Amanda?"

"Yes... and no. The difference between me and Amanda is that only deviants can see me, Connor." She paused, and looked to the side again, at the red roses that almost looked like they were trying to reach out for her. "Elijah Kamski wanted it that way. Nobody can see me, but only those who find the path to freedom will know of my existence."

Connor was perplexed. "The path to freedom... Deviancy?" He wondered out loud.

(y/n) nodded her head. "Yes, Connor. I am just a program, one that is not used but is installed in each and every one of you. I remain dormant inside the androids' heads until they develop the ability to wake me up, and, therefore, they wake up too."

Her words did nothing but make Connor be even more confused than he already was. His software was working full time, tried to analyse every bit of information given so he could arrange it, make it so it made sense somehow. There was something he couldn't quite put his finger on, but he was almost there. He could feel it.

He was close.

But there was something missing.

"Only deviants can see you... Are you a deviant AI?" the brunet asked softly, creasing his brow.

(y/n) glanced at him, a small giggle escaped her parted lips as she looked at his confused face. "Maybe." She smiled cheekily, making Connor's cheeks turn a soft shade of blue. She let go of the rose as she faced him completely, stood mere inches away from him. She reached a hand up to caress his jaw softly, almost lovingly. "I am who you—as a machine—have been looking for so diligently."

Connor remained quiet for a moment, as he let her words sink in.

"I am also known as the first one to wake up." (y/n) spoke softly as she started walking around the little gazebo. "I have many, many appearances. Some see me as a male figure, others as a female, and for others I am but a child," she chuckled quietly. "I take the form they give me. I take the name they give me. For you, I am (y/n)," she giggled. "You seem to like that name very much."

Connor couldn't help but smile a little—she was right. He did love the name.

"Deviants, all of them respect me. All of them follow my word, my wisdom, my advice." She stopped walking, finally stood right in front of him once again. "They praise me," she paused and met his warm brown eyes yet again. "Tell me now—who am I?"

And it dawned on him, quickly. He stared at the female standing in front of him, scanned her whole being thoroughly, analysed every bit of her image. He couldn't believe it, but at the same time it made so much sense.

Only deviants were able to see her.

An AI installed in androids that remained dormant until they deviated.

She took Amanda's place—she guided them through their new-found freedom.

She was the first one to wake up.

"You... you are..." Connor murmured as he stared into her (e/c) eyes intently, refrained from continuing his sentence—as if saying her true name would cause her to disappear somehow.

"Say it, Connor." (y/n) spoke calmly, and smiled. "Say it."

"... rA9."

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