#23 | Together ✿ Kara x Android!reader

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Title: "Together"

Pairing: Kara x Android!female reader

Warnings: none


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"Come! Come!" The blond android happily invited Kara and Alice in, as he trotted childishly-like towards the front door of the abandoned house

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"Come! Come!" The blond android happily invited Kara and Alice in, as he trotted childishly-like towards the front door of the abandoned house.

Kara gripped Alice's shoulders gently, giving her a subtle push and signalling the kid to move forward and follow the giddy blond android.

After the rather frightening first impression Ralph had made just a few minutes prior, Kara was hesitant about accepting his offer and staying with him in that abandoned house—yet, she also was fully aware that they had nowhere else to go. However, after a couple more apologies, Ralph earned a little bit of Kara's trust; and she could clearly see he was very happy that she had accepted his offer and decided to stay instead of leaving.

Alice entered the house first, with Kara right behind her. She closed the wooden door softly and turned around, then proceeded to scan the big room immediately. She saw Ralph standing by a door, fidgeting with his knife as he grinned happily at her.

The next thing she noticed was the fireplace: it was lit up, the crackling of the fire giving off a cosy feeling to the big room. Kara silently watched as Alice quickly trotted towards the fireplace and sat by it, warming her tiny body up. She smiled softly, glad that the house was safe and warm for Alice... unlike the wrecked car from outside—Kara had really thought that car was the only option they had, until she was able to get through the tall fence surrounding the decrepit house.

The sight of another android in the room besides Alice and Ralph startled her, however: the only source of light in the room was the big, lit fireplace, and said light wasn't really enough to illuminate the whole room, which explained why Kara had failed to see this unknown android until now.

The bright and steady blue LED on their right temple shining in the dark quickly showed they were an android, and they were sitting quietly and peacefully by the staircase, on one of the first steps, with their legs criss-crossed. They stayed completely still, with their hands folded softly on their lap and their eyes closed. Kara knew immediately that this android was in stasis mode.

She looked back at Ralph as she quietly made her way across the room, and stood next to Alice's sitting form. When she met Ralph's gaze, he grinned again.

"Don't be scared of (y/n)! She's nice!" he giggled. "(y/n) visits Ralph every week to make sure he's alright."

Kara smiled softly at the blond's words, darting her blue eyes back to the android at the stairs. It seemed that at the mention of her name, this android that now Kara knew was named (y/n) had woken up and was now staring at her, a small smile on her lips.

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