#4 | Second Chance ✿ Daniel x Fem!reader

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Requested: by artlovingbre

Title: "Second Chance"

Pairing: Daniel x Human!female reader

Warnings: none


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(y/n) stood by the edge of the slope; her gaze fixated on the broken, malfunctioning androids crawling on the mud as they tried fruitlessly to reach the top—as they tried to escape their inevitable fate. Some of them cried out while they crawled around, pleading for help; others simply laid on the same spot without moving at all, waiting to shut down.

The sight was heartbreaking.

Shaking her head, (y/n) snapped out of her staring trance and reacted quickly, sliding down the slope until she reached the bottom. She tripped over an android that looked to be already dead, and almost fell on their corpse if it weren't because she was able to stay on her feet. With shaky hands, she took out her flashlight and directed the beam of light around her.

The rain had started to fall harder, the clouds had completely covered the night sky and the fog had conquered the place in a minute or less. Even with a flashlight it was difficult to see anything in the junkyard. But she made it work—she would not give up on her search.

She needed to find Daniel.

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The Phillips were (y/n)'s next-door neighbours, and had been that way for a long time. The day they purchased Daniel—their very first android—, (y/n) was visiting them, as she did that often. She met the android for the first time that same day, when John brought him to the Phillips' household just a few hours after the online purchase. Caroline herself had told her about how they wanted to have an android around that could take care of little Emma whenever they were working, and (y/n) was actually happy that the Phillips had decided to purchase one.

She had wondered what it would be like to have an android helping around the house. Since she visited them almost daily, she'd get to know how it would be like to have one.

And ever since that day, Daniel became a very important factor in (y/n)'s life, just as she became a very important human for him.

As a professional computer technician that she was, the Phillips more than once asked her to repair Daniel whenever he got hurt—one time he was pushed by a demonstrator on the street so hard that he bumped into a concrete wall and caused serious damage to his head. She had to make sure his system and software were still fully functional. Caroline always called her Daniel's personal maintenance assistant whenever she had to repair him, to which (y/n) would always laugh.

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