#29 | Scared ✿ Markus x Demonstrator!reader

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Requested: by Myerii

Title: "Scared"

Pairing: Markus x Demonstrator!female reader

Warnings: swearing

Note: I don't think the name of the leader of the anti-android protest in Markus' first chapter was specified at all in the game, so I called him Samuel.


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* * * Nov 5th, 2038 – time 09:43:05 AM * * *

Apart from the loud anti-android demonstration on-going right in front of a CyberLife Store, some would say Greektown still was a nice place to saunter around that morning.

Without really intending to, one of the demonstrators, a young girl of (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes shifted her whole attention away from the protest and gazed lazily at Henry Ford Commemorative Park, which was just at the other side of the road. From her position she could see androids cleaning the park tirelessly, completely unaware of her and her people's anti-android protest.

She couldn't stop her mind from wandering, and bringing back memories of when she had lost her job because of an android. Her boss had not been subtle or sensitive at all about the matter, and the only reason he gave her when she asked him why he was firing her was 'because it is better than you.' The android took her job, and she was pushed out of the shop—all the time and effort she had invested in that shop had absolutely no value.

It was for that reason, and a bunch more why she was right now joining the protest in front of CyberLife's store in Greektown. It had been three months since she had lost her job; three months in which she had to ask her friends to lend her money to pay the rent, and buy food and water. She was lucky to have friends that did not care for how long they had to help her, as all they cared about was that she was okay. They even went as far as to try and help her find a new job, sometimes even asking their bosses to take her in their business—fruitlessly; she was forever grateful for their effort and help nonetheless.

And although she spent almost 100% of her time looking for a job, it did not stop her from joining the anti-android groups and their almost-daily protests. It was the only place where she actually felt useful.

"Hey (y/n)," the protest leader nudged her in the arm softly, making her turn slightly to look at him—Samuel.

She knew him well; she'd been showing up at his demonstrations for a whole month now. She knew she could trust him, as he and the other demonstrators were the only ones that seemed to understand her completely—besides her friends.

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