#5 | Confession ✿ Connor x Fem!reader

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Title: "Confession"

Pairing: Connor x Human!female reader

Warnings: lots of swearing (thanks to Lieutenant Hank Anderson), and triggering themes (slight mention of suicide)


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"Dad...?" (y/n) softly placed a hand on her father's shoulder, shaking him slightly.

He simply groaned and shifted around in the couch, the stench of alcohol soon reaching (y/n)'s nostrils; the strong smell of whisky made her cringe and almost gag—she hated alcohol, something that her father seemed to love very much.

Sighing in defeat, she let go of his shoulder and her eyes darted down to look at the picture he was holding tightly against his chest in his alcohol-induced stupor, and couldn't help but smile sadly as she slowly picked it up from his grasp. It was a picture of her, with her little brother, Cole and her father, Hank Anderson.

(y/n) knew exactly why his father was the way he was, and why he did what he did almost every single night after he came back from the PD. Cole's death had been a tragic loss that both of them suffered together and still continued to dwell on, even when it was already part of the past. (y/n) from the start had tried to stay positive, and knew that Cole would have not wanted them to be sad that he was gone. Yet her father didn't think the same. He became an alcoholic, and showed clear signs of suicidal thoughts afterwards.

(y/n) was afraid that one day she'd get back home to find his corpse in his room, with a gun on the floor and a bullet hole in his head. However, she was able to notice that he was afraid of pulling the trigger—instead, alcohol became his best friend.

And yet, despite that, Hank was still the good and caring father she knew. He did not forget about her, and still loved her and protected her as best as he could—especially now, that she was the only one he had left. And, of course, (y/n) appreciated his effort. Without him, she knew her life would not be the same; it would be miserable.

"Sleep well, dad." She whispered and brushed his hair out of his face softly, putting the picture back on his chest, with his hand on top of it.

Quietly, she made her way around the house, cleaning a little bit as she went. Soon she reached her room, and thought of taking a long, warm shower to clear her head. Before she went to the bathroom, she picked up her pajamas, which consisted of a white tank top and a pair of loose sweatpants. As she carried them to the bathroom, she saw Sumo groggily make his way towards her, which caused her to smile.

"Hey there, big boy." She crouched to pet him softly; her fingers brushed his long fur messily as she scratched the back of his ears. She earned a few approving growls from the animal, making her smile again. "Will you keep an eye out for me while a shower, Sumo?" she asked him then.

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