In another world

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🎵Back on earth
You're waking up soon
Stretching in
The morning light
No celestial body
Could compare to you🎵
In space, Ludo

It had only been a few days before Thor and Jane promised to take Helena and Snow to Midgard. They would drop her off and go to Germany to visit Dr. selvig. The five of them walked to the bifrost together. Thor and Jane leading the way, whilst Helena, Loki and baby snow were following behind. Loki refused to let go of his little princess until he absolutely had to.

"Are you sure you do not want to take your wet nurse with darling?" Loki whispers. Helena shakes her head no.

"I can handle this on my own my love, she's safe with me. I promise we will be safe." She says wrapping her arms around loki. He sighs and shakes his head but smiles at her.

"I hope you enjoy this time with your sister, and with your friends, but if anyone and I mean anyone does anything you do not like you call for Thor and he will come get you." Loki says kissing her cheek. She nods and slowly gathers snow back into her arms.

"I'll miss you." She says leaning up and kissing him gently. Loki reaches up and grabs her chin locking her in place so he can kiss her properly. After a few seconds Thor coughs from behind them. Helena pulls back blushing and Loki glares playfully at his older brother. He quickly kisses snows cheek before allowing Helena to walk forward and wrap her arm around Thor's outstretched arm. Jane stands on her other side and they all look at Loki as Heimdall turns the sword. With a very quick pop and burst of light they are gone..

Loki immediately apporates himself into the throne room and sits down. He smiles to himself. If only this was his destiny. His beautiful girl on his arm, there precious daughter, and Loki ruling over Asgard.

~~~Earth ~~~

Helena and Wanda have become inseparable during her time back. The two girls both cooing over baby snow, and spending time practicing magic. They are sitting on the floor in wandas rooms talking when all of the sudden Wanda pauses. Her eyes grow wide like saucers and she looks at Snow curiously. Helena, alarmed starts to ask what's going on but Wanda puts up her hand to silence her. Snow giggles and then suddenly Wandas hair is standing up in the air. A light green mist all around it.

"Did you see it?" Wanda asks softly, in complete awe of her niece.

"See her giggle? Of course." Helena says still confused. Wanda smiles and shakes her head.

"No, she's talking in my mind. I believe she's telepathic. Among other things." Wanda says motioning to her hair with a big smile on her face. Helena glances at her beautiful daughter and smiles down at her.

"How come you haven't talked to me before?" She asks leaning down and cooing to Snow. A big smile erupts on her daughters face and suddenly she has images flashing through her mind. Mostly images of her and Loki. Of Loki kissing on Snow, tickling her and his soothing voice. A few images of Thor and Jane playing with her as well, and then finally an image of herself and Wanda playing with magic flashes before her eyes and she gasps. "Did you do that my love?" She asks snow. Wanda smiles knowingly at her little sister.

"She doesn't speak exactly, but she talks through images. She's got strong magic at such a young age. I believe she will be very powerful, the older she gets." Wanda says scooping up her niece in her arms. Snow giggles again and reaches towards Wandas hair, causing it to once again raise up all over.

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