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🎵We used to play pretend, give each other different names
We would build a rocket ship and then we'd fly it far away
Used to dream of outer space but now they're laughing at our face🎵
Stressed out, 21pilots

It had been two weeks since Helena had been attacked. She still hasn't told him she was pregnant and Loki still acted as tho he had no idea. It was something they would discuss when she was ready to tell him. Odin hadn't called on Loki yet either. Everything had been extremely peaceful. Loki spent their time together by showing her around the kingdom. All of his favorite hideouts when he was younger. They were currently cuddled up outside by the stables, when Thor and Jane walked up hand in hand.

"Brother! Milday!" Thor addresses them each with a smile. Jane smiles at them both before hugging Helena.

"Your looking better." She says as she pulls away from the hug. Loki looks at his older brother and raises and eyebrow.
"Do what do we owe the please?"loki mock bows.
"We were hoping you all could help us with wedding plans." She says blushing slightly as she walks back over to Thor, them interlacing there fingers.

"How very domestic of you." Loki jokes smirking at Thor. Helena playfully pushes him.
"Be nice." She jokingly reprimands him. Thor can't help but smile at the couple. Loki was back to his old joking self. Sarcasm and wit dripping every time he opens his mouth.

"Fathers been asking about you." Thor says talking directly to Loki. He's about to speak again when Loki shakes his head and nudges Thor to not speak infront of the ladies. Loki and Thor walk away out of hearing.

"What does that Oaf want?" Loki's hisses. He conjures up one of his daggers and starts to flip it in the air.  Thor sighs and rubs his beard.

"He wants to speak to you." Loki rolls his eyes. "Brother this is serious.. he thinks you need to be punished for the spectacle you pulled infront of the kingdom." Loki glares at Thor.

"And you agree." Thor starts to shake his head no. "That wasn't a question. And what did he want me to do? She almost killed the mother of my child. She's lucky I killed her so quickly. I showed her a mercy honestly." Loki seethes throwing his dagger into a tree.

"Do you want my advice?" Thor asks after a moment of silence. Loki doesn't reply. "My advice, is tell him. Pledge your allegiance to Asgard and tell him about Helena. Let him see your love for her not just hear it." Thor walks over and pulls the dagger from the tree. Yanking it out and handing it back to him. "I'm 1500 years old and I've never seen you in love before. You deserve this brother, and even tho you don't see eye to eye I know father wants you to be happy."

"We don't see eye to eye because he only has one." Loki says smirking. Thor and him both laugh.

"That one was bad brother, I think your losing your touch." Thor laughs punching his shoulder.

Helenas P.O.V

"How different is an Asgardian wedding in comparison to one back home?" Helena asked  curiously.

"Oh the wedding itself it pretty much the same. But there are a lot of events leading up to the wedding here. Thor told me all weddings occur on Fridays in Asgard. It's to honor Frigga because she is the Allmother and goddess of marriage. Then there's a few very old traditions that Thor said he is expected to go by. There's a symbolic ceremony we both have to undergo. " Jane says sitting down next to Helena.

"What kind of ceremony?" Helena asks intrigued.

"A virginal ceremony."

"Can only virgins marry asgardians?"  Helena asks eyes going wide. Jane burst out laughing.

"Oh sweetie no! It's like how back home women wear white to signify purity. Here it's like a battle helmet the women have to wear on her wedding day. You shed it after walking down the isle and it's then replace with a veil."

"And what about Thor's?" Loki laughs from behind her.

"That one sounds quite fun actually. The groom here has a symbolic death and rebirth the night before marriage. It's like a bachelor party where the men only attend. It's a symbolic sword ceremony which is meant to strip bachelorhood. " Jane says laughing.

"What does it entail?" Helena asks.

"For this ritual, Thor has to break into an ancestor's grave and retrieve a sword that we hide for him. As he emerges from the grave with the sword it signifies that he has entered death as a boy but emerges back to life as a man." Loki says laughing. Helena chuckles at Thor's sheepish facial expression.
"Once he retrieves the sword, Thor goes to the family bathhouse where he symbolically washes his bachelorhood away and purifies himself. While in the bathhouse, the rest of us are supposed to give insights and tips on fatherly and husbandly duties." Loki finishes.

At the mention of fatherly advice Helena subconsciously grabs her stomach. Loki notices but says nothing. He gives her a small smile before turning back to Thor. "Are you excited to find out your Husbandly duties brother?" They both laugh and Thor shakes his head.

"Aye brother." It was quite a sight to see watching Thor and Loki joking together as if old friends.

"So what do you need help with then?" Helena asks walking back over and hugging onto to Loki's waist. He smiles down at her and pulls her further into his side. A new wave of protectiveness had fallen over him after Frigga Informing him about his future child.

"Well in the next few days we will have our first feast in celebration of the engagement." Jane smiles at Thor. "And then next week we will be going back to earth for a few days so we can tell our friends there. I was hoping you would come with me." Jane says to Helena. Loki shakes his head no and absentmindedly puts his hand infront of her stomach. He wasn't clingy but he knew he wouldn't be allowed back on Midgard and he couldn't protect her if he wasn't there.

Helena looked at Jane sadly and shook her head. "I don't really want to go back. I ended things on a good note without even knowing I was leaving. But I will gladly help with anything else you need." Thor shakes his head at his brothers reaction.

"How about you think on it." Thor says addressing Helena himself. Lokis good mood vanishing as he glares at his brother. Helena nods her head.

"Sure I'll think about it." She says sweetly. Sounding footsteps makes them all turn around. There's a small group of guards stalking forward.

"The AllFather requests to see you." The one in front announces facing Loki and Helena. Loki nods his head kissing Helenas cheek before stepping forward. "No, you missunderstand,The Allfather requests to speak to both of you."

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