Family Reunion

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🎵Cause all the roads they lead to where you are
And all the streetlights shine like they were stars
That's where you are🎵
On top of the world, BoysLikeGirls

This wasn't what he wanted. Loki was hoping to have a nice night back in his room with her in his arms. He wasn't expecting her to react that way. Loki sighs and rubs his hand down her face. He knew he shouldn't have ever said such a thing, he knew she was sensitive about being human. It seemed to be a constant conversation of late, how weak mortals were and how short there lives where. It was a low blow of him to say such things. He would go find her and apologize. Loki took another breath before making his way out of his bed chambers and into the hallways of the palace. Frigga is hurrying down the hallway toward him. Loki frowns at his mother but hastens his speed to meet her half way.

"What's going on, is something wrong with The allfather?" Loki asks noticing the panic on his mother's features. Frigga shakes her head no.

"Helena has left, Heimdall has sent her back to Midgard my darling. " she says her voice shaky. Loki frowns.

"No, you must have seen wrong mother. She woudlnt do that." His heart is beating out of his chest. No, she wouldn't leave him over a little fight. Friggas eyes soften.

"My darling. I seen it happen. I had a vision." Frigga speaks slowly. Loki shakes his head and immediately transports himself to the bifrost. Heimdall is pulling the sword out of the bifrost and turns to look at Loki.

"Tell me it's not true?" Loki says each word slowly. Heimdall glances at Loki and shrugs. "Tell Me!" Loki shouts.


In a flash of light Helena is back on the roof of Stark towers. Her heart is pained realizing what she had just done. She let her hormones take over and left the love of her life. She grabs her stomach and starts to cry. There was no way he could come and get her, and she had no idea if she would ever see him again. She looks around at the familiar surroundings and makes her way to the chairs. She would have a good cry and go do what she came here to do. She would first visit Pepper and Tony. Give them congratulations on their marriage, and then she would go discuss things with Wanda.

She had not been sitting for more than two minutes when the door to the roof was opened from the inside and out walks Tony Stark. He's in his Iron Man costume and has his guns ready to fire. "Little one?" He asks cautiously. "Is that really you?" Helena looks up at him tears in her eyes and nods once. Tony quickly takes off his helmet and walks to her side. He looks at her for a moment before quickly drawing her up and into his arms.

After telling Tony everything from here time on Asgard all the way up to the fight that night with Loki they made there way inside. Tony was seething mad at Loki for allowing her to almost be killed by Sigrun, and even more mad at what he had to said to her this evening. Of course she left out the part of her being pregnant. She wasn't prepared to be yelled at just yet. She would rather she's happy reunions and tell everyone together.

"So did you all get married?" She asks Tony as they make there way to Tony and Peppers House. Tony smiles sheepishly and rush his neck.

"Yes we did. Although she was upset you weren't here. We both were." He finishes. Tony opens the door and yells out. "Hey Pepper, come here for a moment. I have a surprise for you. " you can hear Pepper grumbling as she makes her way towards the front of their house. Helena smiles at her sisters voice

"I was making dinner, what's so important you couldn't bri.." Pepper stops dead in her spot as she looks up and sees her younger sister standing in her doorway. Tears start to immediately gather in her eyes and the two girls run to each other, wrapping arms around each other. "Is it really you?" Pepper breaths into her hair. Helena nods crying as well.

"Yes it's really me." She says hugging her sister tightly. She hadn't realized how much she missed her until she did. It all came flooding to her like broken dam. "I'm so sorry I left without saying goodbye." She sobs into her sisters neck. Pepper shakes her head.

"That doesn't matter, what matters now is that your back. Are you hungry? I was cooking pasta. " pepper says finally pulling back and smiling. Helena nods her head as her stomach growls. Both women giggle and Tony smiles at the pair.

"Well why don't you ladies catch up and I'll finish up dinner." Tony says walking past the sisters and making his way into the kitchen.

After catching up and eating dinner they all gathered in the living room to talk about what all they've missed in each other's lives.
"Frigga, Thor and Loki's mom discovered that I'm a witch." Helena says softly. Both Pepper and Tony quirk there eyes at this.

"Like Glenda the good witch from Wizard of Oz?" Tony asks laughing. She smiles and shakes her head no.

"No, actually more like Wanda.. in fact, there's a theory that Wanda and Pietro might be my siblings." She says slowly gauging Peppers reaction. Pepper smiles widely at her little sister taking her by surprise.

"That's so great Lena! I know growing up you were always curious about where you came from." Pepper says enthusiastically. Helena smiles back.

"I hope you know that just because I want to know doesn't mean I l or you any less it make you any less my sister." Helena says hugging Pepper again. Pepper laughs and playfully pushes her sister away.

"Well duh, were sisters no matter what." Pepper says. "There's something different about you.. what is it?" She asks suddenly. Helena flushes lightly and puts her hand in the hoody pocket. Stroking her belly lightly.

"Uhmm.. I wasn't gonna say anything yet." She says cheekily. Pepper and Tony both give her curious glances and she sighs. She slowly pulls her hoody up and over her dress revealing a very pregnant Helena. Pepper gasps and Tony goes silent.

"Your pregnant?" Pepper whispers more tears coming to her eyes. Helena nods her head also crying again. Damn hormones. "Can I feel?" Pepper asks sweetly, leaning forward.

"Of course you can." Helena says grabbing peppers hand and placing it on her stomach. A light flutter in her abdomen and Pepper smiles.

"How are you this pregnant?" Tony asks an unreadable look in his eyes. Helena shrugs.

"The Baby is part frost giant.. Loki isn't Asgardian at all, he was adopted like I was." Helena says stroking her tummy. "Frost giants grow a lot quicker than we do. I only have 6 weeks left. " Tony frowns.

"Dracula said those horrible things to you knowing you were having is baby? He should be thankful you even let him touch you. It's a good thing he's banished from here or I would kill him myself." Tony says hatefully. Helena frowns and looks at the floor.

"I would rather not talk about him for awhile if that's okay?" She asks softly. Pepper glares at Tony and nods her head.

"Of course sweetie. Why don't you head to bed and in the morning we can go meet with Wanda together?" Pepper asks helping Helena stand up. Helena smiles at her older sister. Her freckles scattered all over her nose. She looked so happy compared to when she left.

"You look so happy Pep. I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you big day." Pepper waves her hand dismissively.

"It's okay, now let's get you to sleep. You can stay in our guest room. Your apartment is all the way downstairs and let be honest I want you to be here with me." Pepper says leading her down a hallway to a guest room. The bed was giant and plushy. It looked extremely comfortable if Helena was being honest.

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