Odin speaks his peace

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🎵We could
Pack up and leave all our things behind
No fact or fiction or storyline
Cause I need you more than just for tonight
You're oh oh oh like air
I can't stop my breathing in
I'm weak and you were my medicine
I won't stop till I am under your skin🎵
Five minutes till midnight, BoysLikeGirls

The walk to the throne room seemed to take forever. Loki kept their hands laced together the entire time. "Believe when I say this, I will not let Odin harm you." He whispers down into her ear as they arrive outside the tall golden doors. Helena absentmindedly kept trying to smooth out her dress as they waited for Odin to call them in. Loki smiles softly down at her as if you reassure her this wouldn't be as bad as she feared.

"Enter" Odins voice says as the doors slowly open from the inside.

This was helenas first time in the thrown room. She was in awe at the beauty. The walls were covered in what looked like olde Norse symbols. Guards were stationed every 8ft from each other and they all looked like statues. Odin sat perched in the back of the room on a giant thrown. He looked exhausted. The moment they were inside the doors the quickly slammed shut behind them.

"Come forward." His voice projects throughout the entire room startling her slightly. Loki feels her tense up and rubs soothing circles on the back of her hand with this thumb. They both start walking forwards slowly. The closer they get Helena realizes that Odins one eye is on her.

"Father." Loki says as he bows lightly. Helena curtsies as well. There is a long silence as Odin ponders his words.

"My son... what you did was juvenile and reckless..you let your anger override your judgement." Loki glares at the Allfather.

"What should I have done then? She tried to kill her. You may not understand my feelings for her but I refuse to put her in harms way." Loki seethes, his anger radiating off of him. Odin scoffs and rolls his eye.

"You could have handled it privately, but instead you chose to endanger the entire Kingdom. As a prince of Asgard it is your duty to protect your people first and Formost." Odin shouts back.

"Sir.. your majesty.." Helena says quietly.
"I am truly sorry for causing all of this. Punish me if you must but please don't punish him. Loki was only trying to protect me and I shouldn't have been outside in the first place." Helena pulls her hand out from Loki's and steps forward she kneels down on her knees and looks up at Odin with the most sincerity she could muster. "Please Allfather. I love him, I know that means nothing when it comes to fighting for your Kingdom but it you must punish someone, punish me.. kill me if you must." Her heart is racing out of her chest as she feels Loki glaring at her from behind him.

Odin stands up and walks towards her never taking his eye off of her. He circles her before reaching his hand out touching her head.

"Don't touch her!" Loki shouts from behind them he pulls his daggers out ready to attack. Odin turns towards his youngest son and shakes his head.

"Silence!" Odin shouts. Loki shouts his mouth but keeps his Stance, ready to attack in an instant if he attempts to harm her. "Look at me my dear." Odin says standing directly infront of her. She lifts her head with tears and fear in her eyes. "Why do you love my son?" He asks. Helena glances back at a glaring Loki before looking back at Odin.

"Because Loki is everything my king.. he is brave. He's misunderstood himself but very understanding and forgiving of others.. I feel protected when I'm with him and truly loved in return. Where I'm from no one seemed to notice me and Loki valued me and my opinions right away.. he may hide behind sarcasm but he is so much more than that. Please, please don't hurt him." She says again tears running down her face. Odin pulls her up by her arms.

"Stop crying child. Neither of you are being punished." Odin States calmly. "I'm glad he is loved. " he says looking at Loki with a faint smile on his lips. "Loki has suffered more than others, but that is because he is strong. I know he can handle the things I throw at him. He gets it from his mother." Odin says walking back towards his throne.

"If your not going to punish us then why are we here?" Loki seethes, not trusting Odins words. Odin laughs.

"So apprehensive my son." Loki walks towards Helena at this point and wraps his arms around her waist pulling her into his side. "But yes, I admit I do want something from you both." Loki vanishes his blades and nods his head at Odin. "There will no doubt be a Great War with Jotunheim now. There is no peace treaty to be made. I need you my son to assist Thor and myself when the time comes.." he pauses and looked back at Helena. "And you my dear, I need you to keep him in line. As you know, my son has a short temper and I need him to be kept in line while here on Asgard. Loki needs to act like the prince he is and do his duties to protect Asgard . " Loki scoffs and Helena lightly smacks his chest. "In return I'll let your fling continue until her mortal life ends."

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