"Probably a husky. Doesn't really matter but, I've always found them fascinating."

"And where would you and this husky settle into? The big apple?"

"Don't know. Maybe a quaint little cottage by the countryside away from all the noise and commotion."

"Sounds nice," he says in agreement.

Suddenly, our colorful pink drinks do arrive, giving us something refreshing to sip on throughout the evening. We make comfortable conversation, enjoying one another's company as we talk about our likes, dislikes, and similar interests. Surprisingly, I realize just how alike we actually are. We have a great deal in common, sharing same interests in travel, cuisine, and exploring new worlds. He's wise beyond his years, cultured from the many places he's visited. He's filled with stories, sharing them after I plead and pout, hoping to hear more and more tales of his fascinating past.

"Absolute favorite place you've ever visited? Go, tell me," he says, cheerful as the taste of alcohol dances soothingly upon his lips

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"Absolute favorite place you've ever visited? Go, tell me," he says, cheerful as the taste of alcohol dances soothingly upon his lips.

"I can't pick just one. That's too difficult and not fair at all!"

"Hence the point of a brilliant question coming from a brilliant man. Tell me, Layla James. I'm waiting."

Every word and moment with him is like poetry. This evening should be written into a novel. He belongs in stories. He's a man that should always be remembered. "I've had some pretty great memories in Greece one summer. It's absolutely gorgeous and the foodie in me fell in love with their cuisine."

"When did you go?"

"About a year ago. It was out of the blue and a last minute trip that I decided to take for holiday."

"Serendipity at its finest."

"She's a wonder." He looks at me fondly, refreshing silence passing as we sip our cocktails, giving me the confidence to proceed forward. "What about you Harry Styles?"

"What about me, little darling?"

"Favorite place you've ever visited?"

"Oh, I can't answer that."

"Of course you can! I told you mine and now you tell me yours. Come on now."

"You'll laugh at me."

"I will not laugh at you. Unless it's a decent joke or you suddenly fall out of your chair, then I'm sorry. I can't control my actions."

He pretends to be baffled, placing his hand over his chest, scoffing in amusement. "You'd actually laugh at me if I fell out of my chair?"

"Of course I would."

"You naughty woman. How dare you?"

"Don't change the subject! Tell me, please?"

He's hesitant in the beginning, nerves evident as he shyly gives me a peak into his heart. He allows me in as he opens his vulnerability. "I'd think my favorite place that I've ever visited so far, would have to be Cannes."

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