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3 months later

Elsa's POV: So u might be thinking that I left and had a wonderful life and bore kids for that f**ker, well for all those in support sorry to break it to ya but I didn't. When we boarded the plane to New York we didn't talk all that was on Jeff's face was that stupid smirk which unfortunately I couldn't wipe off, when we landed we got off and Jeff took us to his penthouse in which on the way I didn't still didn't talk when we got in I dropped my suitcase and asked for my room and he started laughing
" Honey ur sleeping with me tonight it was part of the deal or do u want Jack to lose everything completely"  I just nodded cause I knew if I talked I would be able to keep my anger in and went inside the room and I'm my mind I told myself that it's just for a month and then my plan would be done and if ur wondering what it is then the plan is that I want to district all documents and links that Jeff has to Jack's company and also find some dirt on him cause I mean to get to where he is no whodoubt he's done some terrible things to people. So day off today when he was out in the office I will go to his laptop and try to figure out anything that I could find relating to the company or his company or any criminal record or offence that has been paid off.
I've finally accomplish it everything concerning Jack's company has been deleted and I finally got some dirt on Jeff. I never knew he was in the drug businesses, now it was time for phase  two ESCAPE.

After Jeff left for work as usual, I packed all my luggage the night before and as soon as he drove off I called a taxi to pick me up I was excited at the thought of seeing him again the only thing I used to keep track of him was social media and I couldn't pick his phone calls neither could I call him because Jeff would suspect that I was up to something. I reached the airport and boarded a plane back to Los Angeles, immediately we departed I let out a breath which I never knew I was holding.
" Free at last"

Jeffery's POV: I went to work today it was the end of the month so I has to oversee all other companies work under mine, when I got there I was greeted by my receptionist and then I went to my office. I handle my computer work and documents privately so when I was going through all the companies I noticed that Jack's company was missing in the list and I double checked to know if I was mistaken and I still didn't see it, I went to search for all it's documents and it was deleted and I started to panic I didn't have control over Jack's company anymore. But nobody had access to my laptop expect me........... and Elsa. I called home but no one was picking the calls and I quickly got up and picked my keys and drove home
30 min later
I got home and opened the door I shouted Elsa's name and nobody answered then I went to the room to find our wardrobe ajar and when I looked inside all of her clothes were gone. She did it, after everything I did for her, I gave her everything a woman should ever want and I didn't even touch her and told her until when she was ready , that's why she was being so nice. This is Jack's fault. I will get u back Elsa if it's the last thing I do and I have the perfect plan.

Elsa's POV: we landed safely and once I checked in and boarded a taxi and directed him to Jack's house. When we got there it was just how I remember it " Home Sweet Home " I walked on the steps reluctantly and I knocked on the door a few times, my mind racing and Hy heart beating so loud at the thought of what would happen when I see him. A woman opened the door, she was very gorgeous with deep emerald green eyes and long rich brown hair reaching her back and she asked in a nice voice " what can I do for u " and smiled sweetly but not too sweet that it was fake but a warm sweet smile and I told her that I was looking for Jack and she welcomed me in and told me to wait in the living room while she goes to call Jack and after a while she brought a glass of orange juice and I tanked her then I heard Jack's voice and almost cried, ive missed him so much. When he was coming down the stairs if possible he looked more handsome than before and more muscular as his abs were showing through the thin white shirt he wore. And Jack froze when he saw me and I smiled and then his shocked state turned to a frown on his face " honey could u leave for a second I want to have a private discussion with our guest here"
She nodded and left. that was strange is her name honey I wondered but quickly brushed the thought away and ran to hug Jack but when I wrapped my hands around him he didn't instead he just stood there look at me with a look of anger and sadness and in a cold time he asked what I was doing here and I looked at him and he asked again what are u doing here I flinched at his cold tone " you left me for him and now u come back to me when everything is going fine. That girl is my fiancee. Do you know what,I realise that you are the cause of all my problems and the bane of my life and my business,no wonder your step mum sold you out, who would ever want to love a sold out bitch like you, you were a slut from the beginning I should have known , I'm sure even ur mum would be disgraced at u right now.........."

Jack's POV : you left me for him and now u come back to me when everything is going fine. That girl is my fiancee.  Do you know what,I realise that you are the cause of all my problems and the bane of my life and my business,no wonder your step mum sold you out, who would ever want to love a sold out bitch like you, you were a slut from the beginning I should have known , I'm sure even ur mum would be disgraced at u right now.........." I was interrupted by a  multiple slap a cross the face.
A red eyes Elsa in my view " you can insult me,and call me a slut, u can abuse me, you can even say I am a sold out bitch who deserves no love.( Now that she says it like that that was just wrong)  but never use my mother against me. The only reason why I didn't come back earlier was because I was cutting all ties with ur company and all the links u had and also to dig up dirt on him so we could leave in peace I didn't even allow him to touch me but here u are having a fiancee already why I was fighting for our relationship and ........ Our baby. You are here calling me a slut who doesn't deserve love. You don't deserve to see the baby. I hope u have a good life. With that she threw a flash drive at my face and walked out I was frozen there. Wait our BABY!!, I ran out to call Elsa back but she was already in the car and drove off. She's lying she has to be everything is going great and now she comes??. I decided in my mind. I'm taking her to court for custody over the child. Elsa is no mother especially of my child. I took the flashdrive and put it in the vault I'm my room. I'm going to get my child back.

So hey guys in here with my 3 days up date and as promised it is long. Cause to day the creative juices were overflowing so yeah I live this chapter. Pls comment and vote and thanx for reading

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