Hatred and Enemies

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Jeffrey's POV: Well we were having dinner and Elsa was talking with Anna when we heard knock at the door I told Elsa to stay put and that i would attend to whoever was at the door Immediately I opened the door before I was aware of anything I saw Jack's fist flying to my nose and blood spilled out and then he went down on me and I immediately blacked out then after sometime I woke up and Anna was beside me cry and she then told me that he had taken Elsa away and then I quickly got up and told Anna to stop crying then I called a taxi which took her home. When I walked in , Jack does not know who he is fucking messing with if he thinks he can step into my house and take Elsa away from him and assault me at.the same time, then he got another thing coming, from today I'm gonna make Jack Overland Frost life a living hell, I'll make sure he falls into bankruptcy and he'll be stuck begging on the streets and I'll finally have Elsa back, she's mine and only mine. I quickly went to my computer and started working on damaging and ruining all files and contract if Jack's company and if he comes crying then I may show him mercy but not until Elsa back. Jack Frost You've made an enemy.

Jack's POV: I got to work today and I was in my office thinking about Elsa when a knock at the door interrupted me, I told the person to come in and it turned out to be Solomon from our tech department he was the best tech man I knew so and he really came to my office except when there is a problem and this time I knew it was no exception and I asked him what happened and he started to explain how all.the signed contracts and other important documents went missing on the company's computer and immediately I started to panic just as Solomon was telling me not to Panic my receptionist came in and told me that all companies that I had a contract with and were partners withdrew their contracts and partnership, that stuck me hard but that also means we have to get on the matter fast I asked Solomon how all the files went missing and he told me that someone hacked into all the computers and deleted the files and then I asked if there was any way to retrieve it and he said he would work on it right away then he exited and I told the receptionist to book an Appointment with all the partners and contract owners and she went out of the office too, but that kept me thinking who could hack into the files of the top companies in the world and not be noticed especially if Solomon is on the job and my mind immediately went to Jeffery, it had to be him , well after I pubbled him I expect no less I really don't want him to hate me first my father would kill me the way the company is falling and I really think of Jeff as a brother and not someone I'd like to have as an enemy especially with the way things are going, so I plan on going to Jeff's house today and talk to him and see if I can settle things with him.

I'm in my car and just arrived at Jeff's house and I go knock on the door and there Jeff was and when he saw me he glared and asked me what I wanted and then I asked if I could enter in and he opened the door and I walked in and then he asked me again what I want and I replied him by asking him why he was doing all those things to my company and then he replied saying that I came Into his house and assaulted him and took what was his and he told me Elsa how he was crazy in love with her and how he has been stalking her for years and finally when he got her I took her away from him and then he told me until I return Elsa back I will go bankrupt and beg on the street with that note he showed me to the door and slammed it shut.

Hey😁. So as promised I updated today and due to some minor difficulties I couldn't post earlier im kinda tired and I didn't really do justice to this chapter but i promise the next chapter will be better, so I'll see u later.


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