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Elsa's POV : I woke up this morning  and I felt comfortable, a bit too comfortable and I opened my eye, I noticed that I was not In my room and I felt arms wrapped around me and as I turned my head to look my lips brushed up on his. And he began to stir and I felt his erection pressed on my stomach.
He woke up an started to stare at me and soon he started to climb on top of me and then started to kiss, surprised I didn't refuse I started to make weird sounds, wait I was moaning into the kiss! It kiss got hotter then he started to pull my clothes off and when he saw I wasn't wearing a bra the hunger in his eyes grew and a thought came that maybe I should tell him that I'm a virgin but its like my body  had a mind of its own and my mouth refused to open up and then he grabbed my breast and as his hot breath came I contact with my nipple's his phone rang all the lust in my eyes vanished and I came back to my senses and pulled away from him and wrapped a blanket around myself  and then he started apologizing and I just ran  out of the room and started crying, I know it was not the best way to handle this situation but what do you expect ms to do, he is my boss, I can't sleep with my boss, it would just make my life more complicated, and as for the crying... I don't know where that came from, oh yeah he stole my first freaking kiss!. Elsa you need to keep calm or you'll do something you would regret.

Jack's POV: i'm sorry was all I kept saying, no other word, then she ran three words then came out I FUCKED UP

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