Lie To Me (Part 11)

Start from the beginning

  "Why are you staring at me like that it's scary" he said.

  "Ohh Mingyu-yah you made us walk and walk for a long time. We went here already but you insisted that it was not" I smiled and was about to throw my hand on his face.

  "My parents are watchingg" yep there they are waving and smiling at us. He's so scared HAHAHA.

  "I'm not gonna slap you I'm just gonna touch your face" yep I touched his face and pinched it.


  "OOOOUCHHH STOP STOPP SORRY!! YOU'RE RIGHT" okay I got to hear what I want even though people are looking at us because of his shout.

  We went to his parents now and had a wonderful dinner night.


  I didn't dare to look at them but hearing how Tzuyu talk to him made me more jealous. There are a lot of restaurant here, why did they go here?

  "You okay?" asked Momo.
  Just smile Sana. Do not let them know what you are feeling.

  "Uhmm yes why would I not be?" I replied. So I decided to just mind my own business and just eat. Do not care about what Mark's saying.


  We been telling stories for over an hour now. His parents are full of stories, so cute. But their son here is not.

  "Mom do you remember her bangs?"


  "Oh yeahhhh you had your full bangs" said his mom. She recalled the length of my bangs.

  "Ohhh I remembered it, it was cute"

  "Yessss. One time during PE, the coach told us to run couple of laps and she would always stumble because her bangs kept spiking her eyes" I want to put this big bread in his mouth so that he would stop laughing. I pinched him instead on his thigh.

  "OUCH" he said.

  "Why? What's wrong?" asked by his mom.

  I glared at him. He is always scared when I do that to him.

  "This ants" he said and smiled at me.

  Couple of minutes, his parents left. It's just the two of us here.


  What are those two doing? They both are laughing. That should be me if it weren't for them. I'm getting annoyed with them laughing.


  "It's getting late, we should probably head back" I said.

  "Hmmmm if you say so" he said and took the last bite of the chocolate fudge.

  We were about to leave the place but I got a glimpse of them there too. Sana is there. Mark is there beside her. The kiss from earlier flashbacked. I cannot take it out of my mind.

  "Woahhh look where your going"

  Omg. I almost bump a waiter. Thank GOD he pulled me or else, I'll gonna pay for those food. Uhmm but it's way too close.

  "Thank you" I just said and went outside of the restaurant.


  Really? Right infront of my salad? I want to  go back to the hotel now.

  "Psstt.. Momo" I tried to get Momo's attention.

  "Uhmm what?"

  "I want to go back to the hotel"


  "What do you mean so? Back me up okay?"

  "Fine but I'm still not finish eating"

  "I'll buy you five times of that tomorrow"

  "DEAL" that was fast.

  I cleared my throat.

  "You okay?" asked Dad.

  "I want to go back to my room. Just continue eating" I said.

  "I'll escort you" Mark volunteered

  "UHM n-no need, I got Momo" aheheh.

  "Ohhh we'll go back too as well sir" awwww my friends said it.

  "Okay good night to all of you, we'll be staying a little longer" mom said.

  "Good night"

  As soon as we got out of that place, I rushed towards the hotel, up to our room. Yep, there she is.

  "You gone back early? Thought you'll be late" she said softly. My heart can't take this.
I went straight to the bed and hugged her.




  I don't want her to feel like this.

  "Don't be sorry, I know that you don't want that also" I tried to calm her down. She's about to cry.

  "Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry"

  "Yah Towie stop" just tap her back.


  "Yes, I realized that calling you tow truck is a bit ugly" I laughed.

  "Let's just sleep. I know that you're too tired from hiding it. I love you" I said again and with that, I kissed her on her head.

  I can hear her sobs. Tightening the hug could at least calm her, I think.


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