Ronald Bilius Weasley | Deal

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Everyone on Hogwarts knows how crazily in love Ronald Weasley is with the brightest student of our generation, Hermione Granger. Sadly to say, no one even knows how crazily in love I am with him, aside from Hermione Granger. What a cliche right? Love triangle. The only thing is, Hermione's in love with Draco, and so the Malfoy is to her. It's just, that Ron's too blindsided by his feelings that he won't even care about that fact.

I've tried everything for him to notice me. I studied so hard. I joined Quidditch and became a well-known Chaser. I even rejected every sign of interest from the other boys just for him. But I was never a choice for his love interest.

I wanted to give up. I wanted to push my feelings out of me and just swallowed the fact that I'll always be his friend. Just a friend. But unfortunately, my stupid heart won't even listen. I mean, there are a lot of good-looking guys around the school. There's Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Terry Boot, and many more, but why did I end up loving a stupid oblivious guy like him?

Letting out a frustrated groan, I close the book I was reading and throw it on the couch, before pushing myself up from laying on the matted floor. I stretch my arms and stare at the fire in the fireplace. I wish my feelings could die down as easily as killing a fire by throwing water on it.

"Why are you still awake?" I stiffened at the sound of his voice, clenching my fists on my sides, I turn around and face him.

He's already wearing his pajama. His hand clutched tightly into a book I recognize as Hermione's.

"Did you steal that from Hermione in the library?" Ron stared at me with wide eyes. Not expecting a straightforward and certain question.

How could I not know? I've been watching him too much to the point that I can even figure out what's running on his mind.

"Did you see me take it?" He asked, plopping himself down on the couch in front of me.

I cross my arms across my chest and rolled my eyes.

"Even Neville can read your plan on your face. You stole that because you want her to notice you."

He groans at the sternness of my words and rolls his eyes at me.

"You sounded like Hermione."

I felt the stinging pain as my nails dug into the skin of my palm. Did he just compare me to his love interest?!

"I am not, Hermione!" I muttered under my breath, biting my tongue to stop myself from cursing him.

"You're not. She's a lot hotter than you." I know he meant it as a joke, but I can't stop myself from letting out a scoff after he said that with a straight face.

How can he be so oblivious to everything?

I grab the book that I was reading earlier and hit him with it in the head.

"Blimey! What is wrong with you?!"

"Don't you dare compare me to Hermione again! Or you'll find yourself hex into oblivion where you belong, you idiot!"

I walked past him and run to the girl's dormitory room. I let out a frustrated huff, as I bury my face in my pillow.


I ignored Ron all day, the next day. Harry, Ginny, and Hermione noticed that something was up, and thank Merlin, they didn't try getting me to spill it out. Because everyone knows how bad it will end up.

Ron tried to make me talk to him, but he wasn't even lasting for a minute of trying to, because I would be already pulling my wand up the moment he opened his mouth. Eventually, he gives up. I wish I could give up on him that fast.

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