Blaise Zabini | Playful Kiss

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It was supposed to be an uneventful night. At least, that's what I expected. Until Pansy Parkinson suddenly suggested that we play Spin the bottle in the Slytherin's common room, just to spice things up. It's obvious she suggested the game just so she can be closer to Malfoy. I mean, not gonna lie, they suit each other. Both annoying.

There are six of us. I, Malfoy, Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle. I don't truly get along with all of them, and yet here I am.

Sighing to myself, I followed everyone when they sit on the floor in a circle. I end up sitting between Draco, on my left, and Blaise on my right. Blaise brought up an empty bottle of wine and place it in the middle of the circle. Where did he get it? Got no clue.

"Okay! I don't have to explain the game, right?" Draco ignored Pansy and went straight to twirling the bottle.

It ends up with the head pointing to Pansy, and the bottom to Blaise. We all look at the latter, waiting for him to ask the usual 'Truth or Dare' question.

"Dare!" Pansy answered with a silly wide grin on her lips, as if she's been waiting for such a thing to happen.

"Okay then. I dare you, to kiss Crabbe in the lips." I bite my lower lip to stop myself from laughing, while the others proceed with it.

I look at Pansy and almost lost my shit when I saw her fuming face. She's turning red so much I thought for a moment that she's about to blow up.

"What are you waiting for, Parkinson? You chose dare, do it." Malfoy egged, which makes her more furious.

"I don't want to!" she stated, baring her teeth in my direction when I let out a laugh.

"Then there should be a punishment. Whoever fails to answer the truth, or do their dare, should take off one of the things that person is wearing."

I frown at Crabbe's suggestion, disgusted with the thought of seeing any one of them naked. I mean, no one would enjoy such a thing. I am certainly not having fun with the thought. But looks like the others have a different mindset.

The boys only cheered, obviously happy with the sudden change. And Pansy being the attention whore she has always been, immediately took off her gray sweater along with her white button-up shirt, forgetting the fact that she's supposed to take off only one, and leaving her upper body with nothing but a brassiere.

Crabbed and Goyle let out whistles that sounded like dogs in mating season, Draco on the other hand just snicker at the display which is completely meant for him. I don't know what I was doing, when I look to my right, wanting to see Blaise's reaction, and was surprised to see his usual stoic look.

He looks at me, and I quickly look away. Once again, I don't know why I did so, but all I know is that I felt like I'm too exposed when he look at me. Like he can see through me, and know all the things I think about.

Pansy twirled the bottle, this time the head pointed at me and the bottom pointed at Goyle.

I may not like Goyle, but he's a lot better than Crabbe, so I was a bit relieved when he ended up asking me 'Truth or Dare'.


"Oh come on. You're no fun, Y/N." I raise an eyebrow in Pansy's direction, feeling like she's planning something once again. "Another rule. No one is allowed to say Truth."

"That's nonsense!" I stated, glaring at her.

"Parkinson, that's too much." Blaise calmly said from beside me.

But our complaints were ignored.

"What are you saying, Blaise? This is what we call fun! So, go on, Goyle. Dare our beloved Y/N here." Oh my god! I wanted to curse him so badly and smear that annoying smirk on his face.

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