Tom Marvolo Riddle | Believe

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His eyes glint with malice in the far corner. Carefully assessing every student passing by in the Great Hall. He wasn't reviewing, eating, or something. He was just there, sitting, eyeing everyone as if he could see through them.

"Y/N, are you finished?" I look at my brother and force a smile, nodding my head and showing him my finished parchment. "I'm done too. Are you going back to the common room?"

"You go ahead first. I need to grab something in the library." Alex stares at me, before looking at the end of our table. His jaw clenching when he caught me looking at the same person.

"I told you to stay away from that guy, Y/N." I rolled my eyes, gathering my things and standing up from my seat.

"The guy didn't do anything to anyone, Alex. Stop treating him like a virus."

"Don't his eyes make you feel like he's up to no good? All he does is glare down at everyone. Casually smirking after as if he's planned someone's demise." I glare down at my brother who remained seated.

"Did he do anything after that?" he wasn't able to answer. "See? All you guys do is judge him."

I turn my back on my brother and head down the aisle, my eyes never leaving his figure.

To be honest, I can't blame the others, because I once had the same thought. After all, no one knows what Tom Riddle thinks.

He's in all of my classes, but that's not the reason I'm familiar with him. He never fails to argue with the Professors when he thinks something about what they teach is wrong. Especially, when it comes to Defense Against the Dark Arts. It seems like he's truly knowledgeable about it.

There are times that I caught him sneaking out in the middle of the night when I was doing the same thing. The only difference is that he keeps looking behind, checking if someone is following or something. When I tried to follow him, I lost him after he turn into a corridor.

I kept trying but I always lost him. As if he just vanishes into thin air and went Merlin knows where.

When I reach the end of the table where Tom is sitting, the others I saw around him when I was back at my seat, were already gone. He was left alone, looking down at a parchment. I bite my lip and slowly move close.

I saw a cup on the table and wanted to move it away for a bit since I don't want to make an accident and spill it on him, but before my fingertips can even touch the cup, a hand caught my wrist.

I look at him, wincing when his hand tightens around my wrist.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked in a low menacing tone. I tried to pull my hand away, but his grip was just too strong.

"I wanted to sit. I was trying to move the cup away so I won't spill it on you. Ow!" I exclaimed, still trying to pull my arm. He looks at me, then at my arm before letting go.

"There are a lot of spaces to choose from. Why choose here and disturb me?" I scoff at him before taking the seat opposite his.

"I was only being kind. I'm accompanying you because it's embarrassing to sit alone." he stares at me for a moment. His brows furrowed, before looking back again at the parchment in his hand.

"I'm Y/N Williams. Nice to meet you." I introduced myself, extending my hand in front of me, even though I know he knows me.

"I know. You sit behind me," he answered without looking up. His eyes are glued to whatever is written on the parchment.

"I didn't know you pay attention to anyone aside from yourself." I tease, folding my arms across my chest.

He then started cleaning up his things from the table.

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