William 'Bill' Weasley | Surprise Wedding

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Everyone was excited about the wedding... But it wasn't mine. It was Bill's, my ex-boyfriend, and Fleur's wedding. I was invited, and I came.

I arrived in the Burrow a lot early than necessary because I was planning to help in the preparations, and what greeted me was the most heartbreaking scene I've ever seen.

Bill and Fleur were kissing in the living room. His arms wrapped tightly around her waist. I used to be the one he's holding like that.

I don't know if they even notice my presence but I did all my best to sneak inside the house to get to the back. Sighing to myself, I make my way to the vast field, where Arthur, Fred, George, Ron, and Harry were using magic to build the largest tent I've ever seen, for the wedding.

"Hey, guys!" I shouted, waving my hands in the air as I run towards them.

I saw how Fred and George grin after seeing me. They waited for the tent to get a fix before running to me.

"We've been waiting for you." started Fred, quickly followed by George.

"Wanted you to test our new products."

"Bloody hell, you two! Give the girl some space. Hi."

"Hello to you too, Ron." I ruffled his hair playfully, which he scoffed at before going back to help his father.

I made my way to them and kiss Arthur on the cheeks. A manner of mine we both got used to.

"You're early," he said, a sincerely warm smile plastered on his lips along with the crinkles on his forehead.

"Yeah. Figure out you guys might need some help."

"Is it okay for you to do this?" I smile at Arthur and nod my head.

"Think that it's time to get a move on for my own sake." Arthur nodded at me and press my shoulder to comfort me.

I got busy helping them decorate the inside of the tent, that I even forgot that I haven't even greeted Molly and Ginny. I set a table down and let out a huff of air before telling the others that I'll get back to the Burrow.

I laughed at Fred and George's antics, before stepping out of the tent. Lifting my head to look at the tent, everything started flashing back at me.

Bill and I were Hogwart's sweethearts. We used to be a popular couple for being troublemakers aside from the fact that we both excelled in our studies. We both love adventuring and that's maybe a reason why we had a quick clique until we graduated.

Bill became a Curse Breaker in a Gringotts Wizard Bank in Egypt, while I became an Auror at the Ministry of Magic. At first, everything was working well for the two of us. It was great. We keep sending letters, gifts, and greetings to each other.

Until the time that our busy schedules and distance, finally got a toll on us. I thought we could mend it, but Bill admitted that he cheated behind my back with one of his co-workers. It was Fleur. It was painful, yes, but what can I do? I wasn't with him when he needed me, but she does. Though, we both know he shouldn't have done that. Eventually, I let him go and I end up stuck with my boring life. Nothing to do but work and work. Busying myself so I can forget about the pain for a moment.

"There you are! Ron told me that you came. I wanted to see you but you were busy!"

I lift my head, a bit surprised at Molly's tight hug. I hug her back and chuckle.

"I missed you, Molly."

She pats my arm and smile, before walking back to the table where she's currently laying a couple of plates down.

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