Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy | Priorities

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Warning: Contains an unprofessional smutty scene, because I'm not good at this kind of thing to start with. Just saying. Read at your own risk!

I had known all this time that Scorpius will always be an oriented type of guy, even before we started dating. I never complained about it, because it was one of the lots of things I love about him. That's why I was never surprised if a day passed by without us seeing each other. Not that it was entirely okay with me. There are times that all I want to do was storm the Slytherin dorm, and drag him out so we could go out on a date. But we both have priorities we need to face.

Scorpius has grown strict with himself. Not that his father was pushing him to do anything. It's just, it was like he had made it a truce to himself that he'll be great. He wants to clean their family's name, and he had done great with it. He became a Head boy and a Prefect. He's famous when it comes to girls. That's why I always consider myself lucky that I got him to myself before anyone else. The only problem was, he had become too engrossed with his priorities that even the days where we used to cuddle around and spend the whole day with each other, catching up with things, had ended up being workday for him too. I wasn't complaining... Okay! I am complaining. But no one can blame me.

Don't get me wrong. I understand everything he wants to do. I support him with everything I have. But, is it that hard to lend me, even an hour of his time? I miss talking to him. I miss holding his hand. I miss his voice that never fails setting butterflies in my stomach. I miss how he'll whisper I love you in my ears every single time. In our situation now, the last time he had told me that he loves me, was three months ago. I miss everything about him, and he doesn't even look like he misses me at all. I know I'm being selfish for wanting his attention when all he wants is to achieve his goals, but I am his girlfriend. Not a constant reminder that he has a love life to look out to.

"Based on the look on your face, Scorpius is on death row. Am I right?"

Rolling my eyes, I close the book I was reading and face James. Scoffing at the sight of the grin curled upon his lips as he stares down at me.

"Hello to you too, Sirius." His face scrunched up in an instant at the mention of his second name. I don't get why he hates the sound of it, even though I love how it rolls off of my tongue every time I call him with it.

"Don't start me with that." He playfully threatened, pulling out the wand he had slid inside his shoe, which was now in front of my face after he put his foot on the table I was using.

Well, James doesn't hate his second name in that way. It's just, he doesn't like to be called with it. He felt like it was something he doesn't like to be known by everyone, and that's why it's also a great advantage for me. I have something to use to piss him off.

"Don't be like that, Sirius. I love your name."

"Well, I don't."

"Do I care?" I grin upon seeing his face turning red, definitely annoyed now.

"That's it. You've done it." My grin slowly fades at the sight of his hands. His fingers move like the tentacles of an octopus.

Knowing what he's about to do, I quickly push myself out of my seat and bolted into a sprint. But before I can even take three steps away from him, his hands wrapped around my waist, tackling me down into the cold floor.

Fits of laughter echoed around the library as James started tickling my sides, earning the two of us weary stares from the other students studying in the room, and I expected Madam Pince to storm towards us any minute now just to scold us for making noises... I was wrong. It wasn't her.

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