George Fabian Weasley | In Denial

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If there's one thing I regretted doing so, that I'll even lend my life just to change... It will be, admitting my feelings to George Weasley.

The Weasleys adopted me when I was three. My parents died in a car crash and I was left alone. Arthur Weasley was a friend of my father. Dad was a wizard, but Mom was a muggle. Arthur Weasley was the one who found me left alone in our house the night my parents died. He took me in and adopted me.

Do you think it's hard for a family with seven children to adopt another? You gotta need to hand it to Arthur and Molly. They took care of me like I was their child.

I was aloof with everyone at first, but you can't stay like that when you're living with the Weasleys. They're so happy even though they're not rich. Always having trouble buying things everyone needed, but still making it through.

Ginny and I are everyone's baby girls. I was so close to everyone because they treat me like I'm a blood relative. Charles and Billy will let me ride their shoulders and even piggybacks, that's why I cried when they both graduated from Hogwarts and finally left home to get their jobs.

But the sadness didn't last long because Fred and George were there to comfort me. They started showing me their pranks and stuff. They even invited me to watch them do it and made me their accomplice. They always make me laugh no matter how small the reason is.

Everything was perfect. I get to hold their hands. I get to talk to them. I get to laugh with them and I get to hug them. That's why I kept wishing that I didn't fall in love with George because it ruined everything.

"Georgie... I like you."

A groan of pain slips out of my lips when I absentmindedly punch the wall.

Everything changed after that night.

George stops looking at me. He stops talking to me and he won't stay long at a place where I am around. At first, I was determined to bring everything back to what it used to be, but I eventually got tired. I got tired of chasing him, so I get along with it.

I stopped following him. I stopped trying to get him to talk to me and I stopped admiring his looks, even though deep inside, I know I still wish I can kiss him.

I quickly hide my hand behind me when the door of the room I was sharing with Ginny, burst open. The said red-headed girl's head peeked inside.

"Hey. Mom said dinner's ready."

"Thanks, Ginny. I'll be down in a few minutes."

I smile at her and watch her retreating figure, before letting out a sigh.

I wish it was Fred I had fallen in love with. At least, there's a big chance that he wouldn't stay away from me and probably just gonna laugh it off.

I punch the wall once again and ignore the stinging pain. Grabbing a ponytail, I tied my hair in a messy bun and get out of the room.

Walking towards the kitchen, I saw George entering the house with a bucket of water, averting my gaze, I went straight to Fred who was carrying a sack.

"What's this?"

"Rice. Mom told us to get it from the back."

"Rice? From the muggles?" He only nodded. "Are those firecrackers in your pocket? Where did you get it? I thought Molly confiscated all of those things last night?"

"Shh. Mom can't find out."

"Fred Weasley. I want a peaceful sleep tonight. Don't you dare use that near my room!"

Instead of answering me, he just gave me a naughty wink before carrying the sack with him. I didn't spare George a single look and finally went to the kitchen, where everyone was waiting. Even Arthur was there.

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