Sirius Black III | Black Dog

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It started when I was in the half term of our fifth year. I was stupidly lost in the forbidden forest that night and was almost attacked by a werewolf. I even scathed myself after tripping into a large twig. The loud howl of the werewolf that was towering over me almost scared me to death. Its growl sent a chill down my spine, and I was shaking badly. Tears flow freely down my cheeks as I wait for my death.

But it didn't come...

Another growl was heard, followed by thumping on the ground. I let my eyes wander around the shadows of the forest, and that's when I saw the glinting eyes in the dark. Another growl was heard, and a large black dog jumps into the air to push the werewolf away before it can ever hurt me.

The large black dog stands in all four in front of me, glaring at the werewolf that keeps trying to get to me. I felt a sudden feeling of being secure. It was like, a feeling of being protected. I stare at the back of the dog and watch how it growls at the werewolf.

Finally, a huge and tall stag run towards it and push it off. Flinging its front legs as if trying to keep the werewolf away. It did get the werewolf to run away, and when it did, the stag looks behind it. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it seems like the stag looked at the black dog and said something, which the black dog answered, because, after it, the stag run after the werewolf, and the dog stays.

Letting out a relieved sigh, I push myself up from the ground and brush the dust off of the scratch on my knees. I thought the black dog would leave after that, but it stays staring at me. Crouching in front of me and watching my every move. Kneeling in front of it, I cautiously caress its head. It didn't do anything harmful in my way. It only nuzzles my hand, as if it had known me all this time.

The black dog followed me until I was finally out of the forest and safe. It looks at my way one last time, before running on the other way.

After that, every night, the dog will see me. Whether I was in my dorm room and everyone is sleeping, or whenever I was alone. It got so attached to me, and so I am to it. To the point that I even sneak at nights just to see the dog. The stag will be there too sometimes.

I was so close to them, that I even once thought that they know me personally. But, that would be impossible, because well, they're animals and the night that they saved me was the first time that I saw them.

I was out one night. Of course, I sneak out. I run out of the school and into Hagrid's cabin. The half-giant doesn't forbid me from leaving school at such times, because he loves seeing me interacting with the black dog. I was laying on the field when the black dog came.

It quickly lay on my side, its wet nose, softly nuzzling my neck. I chuckled at its affection, and caress its fur.

"You know what, I have this feeling that you understand me," I said, facing my body towards the dog.

It lifts its head and stares right back at my eyes.

"I know this will sound crazy, but your eyes remind me of someone. You probably don't know him, but he's famous for being a playboy and a jerk. He's a bully, but I won't deny that he has the looks. Messy black hair, captivating black eyes, and alluring smirks. He doesn't know it, but I've been watching him. I know I sound like a stalker with that, but I have been crushing on him since we were in the third year. Unfortunately, I'm not captivating at all that's why he never notices me."

A chuckle left my lips when the dog tilted its head as if it was surprising to hear what I just said.

"Yeah. Surprising right? I mean, I always act as I hate him, but deep inside, I was silently crashing because I know that I would never be a choice for him. His name is Sirius Black. Ironic, right? Black hair, black eyes, then black last name."

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