Fred Weasley II | Going Back To You

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Loving someone was never wrong. It can be the most fascinating feeling you'll ever feel. The only problem was, not everyone feels the same. Loving someone could also be painful. It is actually, most of the time. Because, no matter how much you want the relationship to be perfect, no one could avoid the pain. Everyone will get hurt, no matter how much you tried not to feel it. Because that's just how it is.

There's no such thing as a perfect relationship, and you cannot call it a relationship if you never felt the pain and experience the struggles. Because loving someone, is feeling everything you've never felt before. It is euphoric. Just like a baby learning how to walk. Step by step, you'll feel every new emotion swelling up inside you. Until it was finally too hard to take, then you'll just break.

That's my case. I fell in love with a guy who doesn't know how to love in the first place. All he ever does is play around. Doing pranks whenever he feels so, and not even caring if his girlfriend was having fun at all. Unfortunately, that girlfriend was me. Former girlfriend to be exact.

I thought I would be the one to end the relationship, but the idiot broke it first. Telling me how he's not ready for it. Like, duh! He shouldn't have entered a relationship in the first place if he knows that. Does he even consider what I would feel?!

The most frustrating part was, he was grinning while scratching the back of his head the night he broke up with me. Acting like our relationship was a game in the first place. Nothing serious, as if there's no feeling at all. Well, maybe there's nothing on his side, but there's certainly a lot on my side.

I am in love with him... And I am still after a year of being left behind.


I turn around to face the owner of the voice, just in time to see Albus's beaming face as he runs towards me. I smile at him the moment he stops right in front of me before we walk alongside each other towards Gryffindor's tower.

"Uhh... I saw... I don't..." I rolled my eyes at Albus' antics, before playfully ruffling his hair.

"You don't need to worry about me. I know about your cousin's new girlfriend."

Albus let out a defeated sigh and scratch the back of his head.

"I never actually understand what goes through Fred's mind most of the time. I was sure he was really happy being with you, but then he suddenly ends things between you two. I can't keep up with him."

Shaking my head, I once again playfully ruffle his hair, which he only smiles too. Albus is the sweetest guy I've ever know. Well, aside from my father, of course. But I can't think of any guy that is sweeter than Albus, and that's what frustrates me more. I could have fallen for him, but my stupid heart chose Fred Weasley II, and what did I get from it? I end up broken-hearted. What a cliche!

So, back to the topic. Yes! The incarnation of an asshole, Fred, got himself a new girlfriend. What happened with the part where he's not ready for it? Is he now, after one year? I don't get what one year did to change his mind.


A fake smile quickly finds it's way on my lips at the greeting I received the moment Albus and I stepped inside the Gryffindor's common room.

"Hello, Fred."

Can I fucking slap that grin off his face with the book I am holding? Where does he get such confidence?! We've never even talked the whole time last year, and he's in front of me now. Talking to me like nothing happened at all.

I was sure he was about to speak again, but Albus might've noticed the way I clench my jaw and step between the two of us.

"Sorry, Fred. I need her now. You guys should speak later." Without waiting for a response, Albus grab my hand and drag me up towards the boy's dormitory. I was thinking of pointing it out to him, but Albus seems so preoccupied at the moment, I was so sure he won't even hear me at all.

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