Oliver Wood | Flying Session

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His smile fades into a frown when I speed past him in my broom. He wasn't expecting me to do so and was annoyed by the fact that I beat him to a thing he's supposed to be greater than me at.

"Come on, Oli! Don't frown." I remark, which made his frown deepen. He hates my nickname for him. Told me that it sounds like I'm calling a dog.

He rolls his eyes when I started laughing, ignoring my teasing calls while slowly descending to the ground. I followed him, shaking my head with a smile on my lips when he didn't look at me, and instead went ahead back to the building.

It's been three weeks since I asked Oliver to teach me how to get better at flying in brooms. Since we're in the same year and house, it was easier to have matching break times, which we use to practice.

You see, it's not like I don't know how to ride a broom. It's just that, every time I do so, I will always be overwhelmed by the fear of falling. Something Oliver helped me get rid of.

When I started practicing, Oliver will always ride his broom beside me. He will not let me out of his sight, and I am always glad to see him beside me. He made me feel secure when he looks at me attentively, making sure I won't fall off my broom.

"Can I sit beside you in dinner-" But before I can finish what I was going to say, I was interrupted by Penelope who came running towards Oliver's side.

Her hands immediately wrapped around his arm, as if they were always meant there. A decoration perfect to adorn.

"Penelope!" Oliver greeted her, a wide smile plastered on his face as Penelope smiled back at her.

I'm left alone once again, gripping the broom in my hand as I watch them disappear back inside. Another throbbing pain in my chest, as I slowly make my back inside with my head low.

What pissed me off more was that it hasn't even been a month since Penelope and Percy Weasley broke up. How can she cling to someone that fast as if nothing happened? And why to Oliver out of all the guys in Gryffindor?

"If looks could kill, Penelope might have been dead weeks ago." I let out a sigh, already expecting who to see behind me.

"Hello, Fred." I turn around, rolling my eyes upon seeing his grinning face. "Why are you here? And where's George? Aren't you guys supposed to be together pranking other students?"

He followed me as I make my way to the Great Hall. He stick to my side even when I was sitting.

"I told you, you should've asked me to teach you," Fred remarks, eyeing Oliver and Penelope who is sitting a few feet away from us.

"You know I'm a year older than you, right?" Fred shrugged as if telling me he doesn't know what I mean. "Fine. Starting tomorrow, you're teaching me. Make sure to not ditch me."

"Never!" he exclaimed, ruffling my hair before running out of the Great Hall to meet George who was waiting for him. Upon reaching the latter, both of them look in my direction before giving each other a high five.

I shake my head in amusement, looking back at where Oliver and Penelope are, only to catch Oli looking at me. Biting my lower lip and grabbing the broom I placed on the table, I decided to make my way to them, stopping in front of Oli who didn't break eye contact.

Penelope only gave me an irritated look, probably because I'm interrupting them, but I ignored her. She's not someone worth my attention.

"I talked to Fred. I agree to let him teach me." Oliver frowned, clearly not expecting what I said.

"Why? We were doing just right." he was staring at me intensely, I almost take it back, but doing that will only mean I get to watch him leave me behind to spend time with Penelope.

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