Draco Lucius Malfoy | Waiting

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(Chapter requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva)

"I bet the Sorting Hat got confused when it put ya in Slytherin, you Mud Blood!"

I glare at the dirty blonde boy when they started laughing with his friends. How can this boy look so good, yet act so arrogant? I mean, isn't that unfair? Giving good looks deserve to be admired to a person who only knows how to insult another person.

"That's enough, Malfoy." I turned around and met a black-haired boy wearing glasses face to face. The infamous scar etches into his forehead. Harry Potter, I mumbled.

"You're out of this, Potter." my eyes met Draco's and before I can say something for myself, someone block my view.

A tangle of bushy brown hair blocks my sight of Draco. Hermione, the girl who always raises her hands in class, folds her arms across her chest. Glaring back at Draco, who seems to be trying to look past her to see me.

"Don't you have anything to do, Malfoy? Or is it that all you know to do is feed your overinflated ego?" Hermione remark, raising an eyebrow at Draco whose glare deepens.

Seriously? How could I like such a boy? He looks so mean.

"Yeah, Malfoy. Don't you have anything to do?" This time it was a head full of bright red hair. Ron standing beside Hermione, trying to look as intimidating as her.

Okay. Why is the trio helping me?

"You know what, let's just ignore him. We won't get anything useful from him."

Before I could say anything, Hermione was already dragging me along with them. I look behind us and met eyes to eyes with Draco. But this time, he wasn't glaring at me or anything. Instead of glaring, he look like he wanted to say something. I didn't get to know if I was right, because Hermione already dragged me inside the school.

5 years later

Everyone's been on edge since our sixth year started. After all, the death of Cedric Diggory isn't that easy to forget, and I bet I will never. But it's not the only reason. The Dark Lord's arrival seems to be unavoidable.

But it's not the main reason why I'm sitting alone on a chair at Professor Slughorn's Christmas Party, instead of having fun.

Everyone's been minding their own business after some situations.

After Ron became a really good Keeper at Quidditch and started dating Lavander, he's been mostly out of sight. Probably smooching with his girlfriend somewhere. Hermione kept avoiding Ron for obvious reasons, of course. She's been really on edge since the two started dating. She gets pissed easily at everything. Harry on the other hand seems to be getting weirder and weirder ever since our first study in Professor Slughorn's Potion class where he perfected a draught of death. Something I'm still trying to make sense of how. He's also dealing with Ginny dating Dean, but it wasn't bad like Hermione's.

But Draco was the weirder of all. He seemed to have calmed down. Way calmed down after the events of the Triwizard Cup. He was still doing the same things last year, but it was already toned down. This year, he was really quiet. Like he was always thinking of something. I'll always catch him staring into the space. A tired look plastered on his face.

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