Abuse {L O G A N}

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TW: Abuse, Blood mentions, Self harm, Self Deprecating thoughts, Mentions of Drugs, Mentions of unwanted touching and rape,
Trans! Logan, Vulgar language, Kid! Virgil, Kid! Janus, Fluffy Ending

AU: Animal

Ship: Abusive Logince, Logicality.

Logan: Wolf
Virgil: Wolf
Roman: Bear
Patton: Bunny
Janus: Bunny (I know he's a snek but nOt iN ThIs StOrY mAtE
Ian: Bear
Elijah: Bear
Remus: Neko

Logan sat on the carpeted floor of his room, in front of the full body mirror, cleaning his wound from when Roman had been there earlier. Once it was cleaned and bandaged, he opened his laptop to continue looking for new apartments that would allow children. While he thought of children, he looked up to his little wolf pup who was lying in he and Roman's bed.

He and his family needed to move, seeing as the apartment they had now had changed their rules to not allow children. After searching for a while, he found a nice looking apartment that allowed children, and had a roommate other than him. It would be Logan, Roman, Little Virgil, and another guy named Patton Hearte. I'll show it to Roman when he gets home.

Fast forward a month, and it was moving day. Roman was talking to Patton about something, completely ignoring his husband and son. Virgil was in Logan's arms, huddled up to his father. He was scared of meeting new people. Logan whispered to him and told him it was okay.

"It is okay pup, that is Patton. He is gonna live with us now! He's gonna look after you when Papa is gone."

"Wa' 'bout Dada? He don' has job, he no weave." Logan sighed as he remembered what happened when he left Virgil home with Roman. He brushed the small anxious boy's hair behind his ear to see a small scar near his eye from Roman throwing a glass bottle at him. "Do you remember what happened the last time that Papa left you alone with Dada?" Virgil gasped. "Ooh, yes Papa. Dada hitted me and I did nots wike it, huwt."

Logan gave his son a small smile. "Do you want to go into the room?" Virgil shook his head and pointed at Patton. "Meet!" He said. "Alright, pup."

The two walked over to Roman and Patton, Logan setting Virgil down right behind himself. He shook Patton's hand. "Salutations, I am Logan Prince. I believe you have already met my husband, Roman." Patton smiled and nodded.

Suddenly, Virgil ran out from behind Logan, and wrapped himself around Patton's legs.

"Pa'on!" Patton looked down at him. "And who is this adorable wolf?" He asked, sitting on his knees and hugging the three-year-old back. "Viwgil!" Virgil smiled as Patton looked to Roman for a translation. "Haha, that's our son, Virgil. He's three." Patton laughed when Virgil went on his tip-toes to boop him. "I love him already!" Logan laughed.

Why can't it stay like this forever. I know it will all change when Patton leaves the room.

"Well, I have some work to attend to, so I'll be in my room down the hall if ya need me!" He booped Virgil back. "See ya kiddo!" As Patton walked away, Logan braced and put Virgil on the couch, facing away from them, wearing headphones and watching a show on Logan's phone. Almost as if he's done this before.

Roman turned to the teacher. "You were just gonna stand there with Virgil and not introduce yourself for a whole twenty minutes?" He asked, keeping the volume down in case Patton could hear. "Virgil was scared of meeting him, because he did not want Patton to, oh, I don't know, throw beer bottles at him?" Logan answered in the same volume, his voice robotic.

Roman kicked Logan in the stomach, angry that the man with glasses retaliated. "The little shit deserved it! He was being loud and I couldn't hear the tv!" Logan winced as he fell against the rim of the couch. "Then ask him to be a little quieter, or turn the tv up. Do not abuse him like you've done to me!" Roman rolled his eyes and kicked Logan in the face, knocking his glasses off and causing his nose to bleed. "Agh!" He yelled in pain.

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