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* = Thoughts

Me (Minnie)

My Therapist (Jason)


I see. Anything else I need to know or do?

The wedding is going to be on a Friday, 14 February 2020. The holy matrimony will be at 9 Am until 12 PM. The after party will be at 5 PM until 9 PM. But since I am her close family, she's my mom's sister's daughter, we will all have lunch together from 1 PM until 3 PM. We're free for a while until it's time to get ready for the after party.

A four hour after party? Excuse me, what? What kind of wedding are we going to again? Is she some kind of celebrity.

I mean like, she's Chloe Sternon.

What? Like for real? She's THE Chloe Sternon?!

The one and only.

Then what's your last name?

Shouldn't you know that by now?

I have short term memory lose.

*Straight face

*He's got to be kidding me.

You wouldn't believe it if I told you.


I promise, I will!

Fine. My full name is Minnie Cooper.

Pffft, are you for real?

See, I told you.

This isn't some kind of  joke right? 

*Eye roll

Whatever. It's my real name though.

Well, it's like they say, interesting people have interesting names.


Hey dear roses!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading! Don't forget to❤♥❤Comment, vote and share!❤♥❤ Please? Lots of luvv from me 💗

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