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"Oh sorry," the guy sneers, smirking.

"Whatever," Minnie exhales, looking the other way.

"Well, we have somewhere to be," I reach out for Minnie's hand and interlock our fingers- feeling little lightning bolts shot through my body. "Excuse us."

We made our exit and head back to our table. I feel Minnie's gaze on my face, and my heart beats faster.

I turn my head to her and can't help myself from smiling. "Why are you looking at me like that? Your eyes are practically twinkling."

A smile spreads across her face, causing mine to only become wider. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"Just... everything." She tells me.

I scoff... she's so cute sometimes.

I fill the insides of my mouth with air. 

I really don't know when I started thinking all these things and feeling all these things around her... I really don't know what today. 

We approach our table and release our hands from each other. 

"People are starting to leave already," Minnie's mom notices.

It's been already three hours. They flew by, gone with the wind... well, except the last hour that is. I glance over at Minnie sitting at another table chatting with some girls. About an hour ago, some girls called her over to sit with them, while we were right in the middle of goofing around with each other. Goofing around as in making silly jokes like: "Why did the chicken cross the road?" "So that the crocodile wouldn't catch it" she'd say. 

But now I've been sitting here by myself for the past hour in silence. Sitting across from me, only her dad, who's just returned from a thirty minute long restroom break. Before he left, his wife was still next to him, trying to make convesation with me, but the she was called by the bride's mother. It's been us two ever since. 

Minnie's father doesn't talk as much as his wife, but he can still make conversation with people he's not familiar with... I think. Or else I fear I'll have to sit here awkwardly for the next who knows how long.

"So..." I adjust by collar.

Minnie's father looks at me. Mouth and eyebrows gently rested, while his eyes are quite alive. Funny how you can look so stern but then not at all.

"What's your name again?" Idiot. "I mean, what should I call you?"

A smile forms on his face as his eyes soften. "My name is Bauji Cooper. You can call me dad." He chuckles, and I laugh, too... well try to. I'm so tense, I can't even laugh at a dad joke... haha.

"No, seriously, you can call me dad if you want. You and Minnie are going to get married anyways. Might as well start now," he shruggs, picking up his mug and bringing it to his lips.

Married... I really am starting to regret all this. 

I nod  and press my lips. "Yup. Soon." I look back at Minnie again who's laughing heartidly. I can't help but snicker. She's so funny and cute. Just look at her. Laughing without a care in the world, eyes lit up like stars at night.

A thud is made in front of me, and Mr. Cooper clears his throat. As if holding back a smirk, he looks at me trying to hold a serious expression. 

"You love her, don't you?"

My eyes go wide.


Me and My TherapistTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang