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* = Thoughts/actions

Me (Minnie)

My Therapist (Jason)


So what do you need me to do? As your fake fiance or whatever?

Yes, about that. Let's just meet at a cafe tomorrow and I'll explain everything.

Wait, but why does it matter if you bring someone or not to the wedding?

It matters, since my parents are expecting me to get married... soon. 

*I push the cart towards the counter and start taking everything out of my cart so they can be checked out. 

To who?

*I ignore him and avoid eye contact with him, trying to give him a hint, that's he'll hopefully get.

Oh, that jerk...

Yeah, haha...

*Awkward laughter fills the air.

So um yeah, I'm just bringing you so that they know that I will get married soon-

But it's a lie-

But I will get married soon-

Or not-

Can you stop interupting me?


Um yup, yup. I'm stopping now.

So like I was saying, my parents or me, like we are expecting-

You not to get married?

*Intense glare, nostrils flaring, I'm feeling ready to punch a certain someone right now.



Hey my dear roses! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading! Don't forget to❤♥❤Comment, vote and share!❤♥❤ Please? Lots of luvv from me 💗

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