Epilogue: Beansprout

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3 years later

"Honey," a man whispers to his wife. "Wake up."

The wife scrunches her face and slowly turns the other way, all snuggled up in her bed. "No," she mumbles.

"The baby has to eat." He reminds her. She opens her eyes and looks out towards the sea, internally groaning. When is it time to deliver this baby?

"Fine, Jason," she says, as her husband helps her up.

"Yes, fine, Mrs. Mgyver." He nods taking her hand. "It's 12PM afterall. Go sit outside or something. You need some fresh air, Minnie."

It's summer and they're in the south of France at their newly bought summer beach bungalow. Minnie slowly walks towards the front door, holding her stomach and steps outside. A light warm breeze greets her as she sit down on their porch swing. Seagulls flying around, grass dancing along with the wind... it was quiet.

"It's breakfast time! It's breakfast time!" Well, not anymore. Minnie rolls her eyes and glares at Jason as he steps outside with two breakfast-filled plates in hand- along with the same goofy smile he's had on for the past 2 years.

"I told you, I want peace and quiet in the morning. Not what you're doing now."

"No, cupcake. You need joy and love in the morning. Pregnancy hormone mood swings be gone!" Minnie refrains from cracking a smile at her silly husband's words- I don't want to encourage him, she thinks to herself. Not to her surprise, he gives her a look that says, I'll continue forever, right before he winks, making her turn away.

"Ever since we've gotten married," Jason starts as he sits next to her, "you've become really... shy."

Minnie whips her head towards her husband with furrowed eyesbrows. "No, I haven't!"

"Strong denial always means yes." He teases, making her punch him in the stomache. He makes a noise as he's holding his stomach while making a face that clearly reads: pain. "Have I mentioned you've also become more violent?"

"Just give me that," Minnie snaps taking her plate of food. The mood swings were definitly getting the better of her, and Jason could see that.

"Alright, mama. Bon appetit."

Both of them dig into the food as they admire the beautiful sea view infront of their little house. They both sigh, and then turn their heads to each other. "I love you," Jason says. "I love you even more than the first time I told you I love you."

Minnie blushes and looks away, but Jason pushes her chin back towards him. With only a look, Minnie knew what her lover of three years was trying to tell her, making her cheeks turn a slight shade of pink. "Okay, maybe I have gotten more shy," she grumbles, embarrsed, trying to break eye-contact.

Jason smirks.

"What are you looking at me with that smug face for?"

"That's not what I wanted to hear." A quick glance to her right and left, Minnie looks back at her husband. After three years together, she loves him more than she could've ever imagined that she would.

Never in a million years would she think she'd end up with a husband and pregnant only three years after the fake fianceé happening.

As she stares into Jason's eyes, she quickly pecks him on his cheek and whispers, "I love you more." Jason blushes and brings his forehead closer to Minnie's so that they're touching.

He smiles as they make eyecontact... and they both burst out laughing.

"Enough with this awkward romantic tension," Minnie cries as she looks away laughing- butterflies practically flying out her mouth.

"I don't think so," Jason chuckles, making Minnie look back at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I think that I feel..." he pauses for a moment, "I feel that we're going to have a beautiful family. Well, we have a beautiful family already, but one that's going to flourish."

Jason takes Minnie's hand and with serious eyes he says, "So I'm never going to stop loving you."

"You know that's not what I meant," Minnie mutters.

"Oh, and I'm not going to stop this romantic tension. Our kids will have to watch us fall deeper in love everyday- we need to be a good example." He winks teasingly- while he himself is furosiously fighting the butterflies that are trying to exit his stomache.

Minnie turns away in embarrasment and tries to curl up in her seat, but her pregnant belly prevents her. Jason snickers at his ever so shy wife. "Honey, don't be so shy. You're going to live with me the rest of your life. Better try and get used to me now."

Minnie whips her body towards him, making the swing sway, and throws her arms around him and embracing him- startling Jason nearly out of his seat.

"Okay! Okay!" She cries, then slowly pulls a little away, that her arms are still around his neck but far enough that she's looking into his eyes. "I can't control my butterflies around you. And it's stupid, but your goofy face still makes me nervous. And I'm embarassed, okay?!"

Jason, eyes widened, moves his face so close to his wife, that they can feel each other's breaths on their faces. Their noses touch and slowly their faces move that their lips are touching.

Jason loves Minnie.

Minnie loves Jason.

And now they pledge themselves to love their little beansprout forever.

Their little Aaron.

To be continued in a different universe...


Hey my dear roses!
After a few days... I feel safe now to post just an epilouge. Although I still have a lot of plot left for the story, I feel like it would be pretty okay to end it right here. For now that is.

If you've been following me for a while, you'd know that this is like my 2nd(?) time rewriting this story. This is my rewritten version- techinically I didn't even get this far in my first version, but the OG plan of this story was a bit different (even though I don't really remember, since it was 2 years ago, I'm sure it was a bit different... I have notes somewher now tgat I think of it). ANYWAYS, I've been comunicating with you guys for some months now that I really want to rewrite this story. It's been a long time now since I first wanted to rewrite it. And now that I feel like I'm at a place where I feel comfortable enough to leave this version collect dust here, I'm going to start my rewritting somewhere after I finish my new book "Pizza Hotline, I'm Sad."

Just between you and me, I've finished writing up until chapter 28, so I'm covered for the coming weeks :D

Also, I decided to give this chapter a title because I just wanted to, hehe. In my new book PHIS, I name each chapter :)

SO, what's the new version going to be like?

It's going to be a dual pov from Minnie's and Jason's pov. I had fun experimenting with that dialouge and inner dialouge style, but I've decided that it's time to just do it the narrator way. I've practiced a bunch now, so I'll be much better at it than when I was writing my first wattpad book "At the Feriss Wheel." You can view all of my books in my first reading playlist that you can find on my profile page Jesinga_.

Jason actually has a whole backstory of his own- which I think you guys won't see coming. But I've changed it a bit from the OG version. Minnie's family is going to play a little bit of a bigger role too, since I want this book to also be centered around family-healing.

I hope you enjoyed this last chapter! 😢 Thank you for always reading!

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If you did enjoy!

Luv ya to the STARS and backkk foreverr! 💗🌌

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