Fresh Start

656 18 4

Third Person's POV

Y/n woke up early since she agreed to help out cleaning at the camp. Of course, she called her very first girl best friend, Angelica.

Soon, the two girls were at the car with a destination towards the camp.

"So, this camp is where Kei-chan and Hiro go to?"

"Yup! Oh! And if you like, I can ask my father to let you stay in the camp with me this year! We'll have lots of fun! Although it's an all-boy's camp, I'm sure my father would consider it." Y/n smiled at Angelica.

"That sounds great!" Angelica then laughed wickedly when Y/n turned around to look from the window. She's thinking about exposing either Hiro or Keitaro infront of her newfound bestfriend.

"Oh! We're here!"

Sebastian, who was always with them, opened the door for both of the ladies.

"Thank you, Sebastian." The both said, and soon Y/n ran towards the camp, and Angelica followed.

"M-Mistress Y/n! Miss Angelica! You might get tripped! Please slow down!" Sebastian shouted at the two who just ran off, while he's getting some napkin. Just in case the two got dirty, a little.

"Oh! Isn't that Y/n I see?" Aiden said.

"Yup! She said she's going to help clean up at the camp." Y/n's sister, Yuri, said.

Y/n waved at the scoutmasters. And there is also someone behind Yoshinori's back.

"Aiden-nii-san, Yoshi-nii-san, Yuri-nee-sama, this is Angelica, my best friend! I met her at school."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Angelica greeted.

"OoHh! It's nice to have friends with the same gender, isn't Y/n?" Aiden asked.

"Of course! We both understand each other from now on." Y/n replied. "Oh! And she also wanted to help in this camp too! Since, she's Keitaro and Hiro's childhood bestfriend." Y/n introduced more.

"That's good to hear.Oh! And Y/n, this is Naoto, Natsumi's older brother. He's going to be a scoutmaster like us this year." Yoshinori moved away for the girls to see the new scoutmaster. He had a dark shade of blue for his hair, and with Natsumi's features, yet a lot more mature and mascular.

"Naoto Hamasaki." Naoto introduced himself to Y/n and gestured her to a handshake. In which Y/n returned with a smile. "Y/n Nomoru."

"Welp! To start off, I want you two to clean that stock room over there." Aiden pointed to hut-looking, so called "stock room".

"With my assistance, of course." Sebastian butted in.

"EeHhhh? You're also here, Sebastian? Then, come help me clean the dirty kitchen." Aiden slung and arm over Sebastian.

"N-No, Aiden. I have to assist the ladies in there-"

"It's ok Sebastian, Me and Angelica can do this." Y/n reassured Sebastian.

".... Alright. Miss Angelica, I leave Mistress Y/n in your care." Sebastian bow down in means of respect.


"So! Let's start cleaning up?" Yuri asked.

"Alrighty! Let's do this!" Aiden pumped his fist up in the air.


"Alright, she could stay at the camp. So you could stay away from the boys.." Goro, the owner of the camp and Y/n and Yuri's father, said, but whispered the last part.

The two girls cheered in happiness.

"Yay! We girls can finally have a sleepover! And we could include Eduard in there too!" Yuri cheered too.

"Eduard?" Angelica asked.

"Oh! He's also my gay best friend. I also met him here." Y/n said.

"Gay, huh? Sounds fun to have!" Angelica cheered.

"Yup! He's always fun to be with." Y/n and Angelica then giggled.

"Haaa.. finally. Without the guys, Y/n and her girl best friend only.. maybe I could forgive that Fitzpatrick." Goro said, causing the other three men scoutmaster to sweatdrop.

"Goro-san, it's time I shoukd take both Mistress Y/n and Miss Angelica back home." Sebastian interrupted.

"Of course, Y/n you need to go home, as well as you, Miss Angelica. Sebastian will be taking you home." Goro said. And both nodded.

"Well then, Sebastian, I leave them in your care." And with that, Goro ended his sentence.

"See you back again here, Y/n! Ange!" (More like pronounced as "Anj ") Aiden waved at the two walking away towards the camp exit.

The car left and sent the two home.

"Sir, we've got another scouts to join with us this year." Yoshinori reported.

"I see. Good thing we have a new scoutmaster." Goro said, sipping his coffee.

"Aaannndd.. with the new scout, Haruki Sakurai-"

"Qlbdaojdhaoodjsjaojhalcheijchalj-" Goro spitted all of his coffee at Yoshinori.

Goro then slammed his hands down at the table. "WHAT?!"

"S-Sir.. pfffssshhh.." Yoshinori spitted the coffee and wiped his face.

"No.. Fuck, fine. Let's just give him a warm welcome. JUST THIS YEAR." Goro said, lifting his coffee mug at Yoshinori, while his eyes back at some paperwork again.

"Bring me more coffee, Yoshinori."

AIGHT! A SHORT ONE- YAH- I'M QUITE BUSY :) SORRY FOR THE WAIT- but here u go :) Naoto is bacc-

Love | Camp Buddy x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora