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⚠️Long chapter ahead⚠️

Unknown's POV

"Gather the men, Arthur. We're on the roll." I spoke silently through the speaker enough for the receiver to hear.

"Yes, boss." Arthur replied.

"I want them outside the camp property without other people suspecting us, better put on some disguise, alright?" I commanded.

"Yes, boss."

"I'll tell you when you guys are on the roll. When I give the signal, you and the gang better show up." I said.

"Yes, boss. We'll be on our way now."

"Alright, be careful you guys. We need your help right now." I said, gritting my teeth after.

"We are in your debt boss, we are always on your aid." Arthur replied.

"Alright, I'll go now before someone sees me." I said and hangs up the phone.

Eduard's POV

"Eduard..? Are you ok?" Y/n came to me as she pats my back.

"I am alright, I guess."

It's been three days when me, Angelica, and Y/n are locked up in our own cabin. That goddamn mafia girl told us to stay in here and if we do, noone got hurt.

And so we did.

We do not want this but since they are on the higher ground, I'll just have to wait when time has come.

"Y/n, Eds, food is here." Angelica brought us lunch which was given to us every day by the door. The food looks delicious and all but.. I don't have the appetite right now.

"You guys can eat. I'll look out for you two, since you two are both girls. I have to protect you two." I stood up as I went towards the door and look out there.

"Eduard.. you don't have to. Come, let's eat. You've been eating once in everyday." Angelica looked at me worriedly.

I smiled and went over to the two and hugged the both.

"Don't worry about me, I care about you two so much to even think about appetite. If it makes you feel better, I'll eat lunch after you two, I promise." I said, then I ruffled their heads in comfort.

"Eds.. I.. I don't want to stay here any longer.." Angelica started to break down, as she hold on to me tighter. "E-Eduard.. I miss..  everyone.." Y/n did too.

"Yes.. me too, Angelica, Y/n.. me too.." I comforted the two. I am the only one they had right now and I had to be the wall they can lean on for a sec. I can't break down now and be like these two or else, none of us will survive.

After the two ate their lunch, they went back to bed and just do what they wanted to do, and as promised I ate lunch.

I entertained Y/n and Angelica for a bit. Telling some jokes here and there, giggles and small laughs every once in awhile.

Night came, and just as I said, I'll  keep these two safe, I stayed awake.

Oh no, my eyes are very droopy. I can't sleep! I shouldn't sleep! I still need to stay awake for the sake of these two!

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