The Play

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Guys! My lazy hands finally got to work :"D

Normal POV

The curtains rolled up for the audience to see a nice bedroom, fit for a princess, Speaking of princess, a real one came. Pacing around, very anxious. And finally sat down on the bed, sighing softly.

"Oh Prince Leonard, I dearly miss you. When will I ever see you again?" The Princess said, grabbing her pillow and nuzzled on it.

With this, her father, the King, was eavesdropping at his child in dismay. His daughter haven't heard of the news so he went up to her and told her about the Prince's condition.

"What?! Oh my Prince!" The Princess cried.

All of the knights were summoned and gathered by the hall, where the majesties were.

"I hereby forth announce the two chosen knights that were recognize and appointed to be the saviours of Prince Leonard from his kingdom, guarded by a ferocious monster that keeps him there." The King announced.

"Sven the knight and Joaquin the knight. Please come forth." The King ordered.

The two knights walked past the remaining knights and stood infront of the majesties. Paying high respects, they bow down.

"Yes, your majesty." Both said.

"Please! I ask of you to save my Prince, Leonard! For I love him so much! Please, I beg the two of you." The Princess fell to her knees and cried.

This was a sight to behold, for the princess, who was always bright like the sun and blooming with happiness, is now in despair. Tears fell out from her once cheerful eyes, crying for her Prince.

"Oh my child.. Sir Sven and Sir Joaquin. I ask of your will and braveness, for the kingdom's sake." The King said.

"Yes, your majesty." Both said.

"We offer our lives and soul for this kingdom's sake." Joaquin started.

"For the glory of our kingdom, it's our honor to take part on thy quest." Sven said.

The adventure of the two knights began.

Crossing oceans, climbing mountains, exploring forests. Supporting each other side by side. Protecting each other side by side. Fighting side by side. After travelling for days, they knew, the main event is about to start.

Searching on some hideous places, they found Prince Leonard, tending to himself. The two rushed over and informed the Prince about who they are and about their mission. The Prince asked for the Princess' condition and was relieved after hearing she is doing fine.

Together, they were discussing about a plan to defeat the monster. And soon, they moved and is about to go with the strategy the had agreed. The three of them are attacking continuously from every side to keep the monster leading towards their way and attacked again on the other side to catch the monster's attention, leading towards them. They kept this up and soon, the monsters, being tired following them around, fell to the ground, exhausted. The knights toom their chance to stab their swords down the monster's chest, causing a loud shriek from the monster before it dies.

The knights brought the Prince back to their kingdom and let the Princess and the Prince have their own sweet reunion.

"Sven, Joaquin. I am very grateful for your willingness and bravery you've shown upon us by killing the monster and saving Prince Leonard's kingdom. With that, I hereby forth that on this day, the knight's, Sir Sven and Sir Joaquin, will be promoted to the position of Generals of the Knights." The King set his words.

"It would be an honor to accept thy promotion." Joaquin bowed down.

"For the kingdom's peace and harmony, I will do my utmost best to serve the kingdom, your majesty." Sven soon followed Joaquin.

Y/n's POV

I am with Hiro by my side, since I'm supposed to, watching how the play ends.

"Here goes nothing Y/n." Hiro whispered to me.

"Yes.." I took a deep breath, as the crowd clapped their hands at the ending. Keitaro looked at me, and signaled me to do my part, really unrelated to our play. I took a step forward.

"Such small words for the appreciation. But anyways, is there anything you want to say, our beloved Generals of the Knights?" I started, winking at Zack as he gulped down and took some breaths.

Zack stood up as he took Lark's hand.

"I know this is gonna be awkward but.. Lark.. I really like you a lot. Remember the letter? It was from me. I was waiting for you on the rooftop." Zack looked down.

"R-Really..?" Lark blushed.

"Y-Yes.. Y/n and her friends helped me to confront you but their first attempts didn't work. But, they didn't gave up, they did what they can do to help me. Well, that aside, I'm here to express and tell you how I felt for this past days we met." Zack looked at Lark with a quite serious face.

"Z-Zack.." Lark's expression was at awe.

"Lark, I... like you a lot so.. will you go out with me..?" Zack shyly confessed. I mean- who wouldn't actually?

The crowd was silent after that.


All of us looked at Lark who was blushing madly. And soon the audience cheered, throwing their popcorns up, messing.. the whole place..

"Goodluck you two!"

"Break a leg!"

"Love each other always!"

"Use protection!" Some cheered through the crowd.

"Protection? What does that mean?" I asked Hiro.

"U-uh... It's something.. VERY complicated.. hehe.." Hiro looked up, I also looked up though. There was nothing there . _.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Hiro yelled.

"W-wait- Hiro-!"

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The audience soon followed.

"W-wha- I'm not ready for such-" Zack started to panic and fuss, when Lark actually kissed him.

"Well, now you're ready." Lark looked away, pouting a bit and was blushing madly also.

The crowd cheered again. I'm so happy it all went perfectly, and happiness was brought for the two.

Hey guys, it's me! :"D

Been quite awhile now hasn't it? Don't you guys ever think that I'm discontinuing this book >:( if you guys ever did. Hope you guys are ok this year :")

Stay safe guys! :D

That's all for now Bye!


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