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Noone's POV

A loud thud was heard as it rings on Eduard's head, over and over again before he screamed.


The others was silent and was still taking in the fact that Y/n got shot and was bleeding out. As for Giara, who was shot to the head, laying down still on the fresh grass.

Tears started to formulate on their eyes. Angelica covered her mouth as she weeped and mourn. Everything was a bloody mess as Taiga's men shotted all of Giara's men to death, also keeping an eye who to shot or not based on Taiga's commands.

Bullets are flying as Taiga's men started to cover the whole camp. Taiga, with his hands still tightly tied with a cloth, ran towards Eduard and Angelica to cover them with his body and to alert his men not to shoot this way. "T-Taiga! Y/n got– she-!" Eduard started to freak out and Taiga started apologizing. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Forgive me, Eduard. I'm so sorry.. It's all my fault. I'm so sorry.." All Eduard could do was cry out loud while sobbing Taiga's shirt. Angelica couldn't help but finally letting out her voice and cried out loud. She even tried to get to Y/n but was stopped by Taiga. "No! You could get shot! Stay still!"

"Y/n!! No!! Please wake up!!"

Knox, who was knocked out, woke up after hearing shots from the guns. Taking in the situation, he saw Y/n on the ground bleeding. Wait..

As expected, he saw Angelica crying loud and was devastated to hell. Her cheeks wet as well. He tried getting up and thought of how he could get to her. "Stay there Knox! You'll get shot!"

As soon as Taiga told them that, Hiro, along with Keitaro, Hunter and Natsumi ran over to Yoichi who was now holding Y/n as she bled to her death. "Wait! Hold on!" Taiga yelled. "Don't shoot them! They're on my side!" His men immediately took notice and didn't mind them.

'Goddamnit.. the first aid kit is very far and we can't move like this.. if this keeps on, she'll die!' Taiga thought.

"Hang in there, Richgirl! Don't close your eyes yet!" Yoichi yelled and Y/n tried to ease her pain by breathing calmly. "Y-Yoichi.. listen.."

"No! Don't waste any of your energy! We'll get help! Just stay awake!" Yoichi yelled once again. Hiro and the others are silent because they thought the two need the last minutes to talk, they need to be there for them as their friends. The only thing they could do is cry. "Yoichi.. please.."


Yoichi broke down right there. His tears fell on to Y/n's almost lifeless face. Y/n took another puff of air and started to speak.

"If I really did die.. I want you all to forget this moment and only relive our old happy days.." Hiro started shaking, he's not ready for this yet. "Please.. don't die like you're really going to.." Hiro croaked. "Hiro.. you were always the sunshine to everybody.. please enlighten everybody up.. don't be sad because of this.. you will always be the Hiro that cares for everyone. Stay who you are.. okay?" Y/n smiled as another streak of blood flowed from her mouth.

"Please Y/n.. no–"

"For me..? Please..?" Y/n this time coughed. Hiro felt like if he pushed to say no again, she'll be gone. All he could do now was shooking his head down and softly cried. Y/n remembered the first time he met Hiro. She thought he's a hype one, and he'll always will be.

"K-Keitaro..?" Y/n croaked. Keitaro could only lift his head up. "You talk about Hiro a lot.. please continue to look after him.. I would feel contented to know that you are still by his side and will be the bestest of friends in the whole world.. you two.. are a great team.." Keitaro bursts out his tears and hugs Hiro sideways.

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