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Third Person's POV

It was now morning and the news about a female mafia camper spread across the camp like wildfire.

"Wait- aren't mafias supposed not to say they are part of the mafia or something?" One camper asked his friend.

"I don't know man." The other shrugged.

"Well, that's true. Since, now you know- you are on the mercy of me not to kill you." A sweet yet toxic voice answered.

The two campers looked towards the owner of the voice.


Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

"K-Kyle.. i-it's the mafia camper.." the camper cowered in fear.

"H-Holy shit..." The other did the same thing.

"Bow down to me right this instant and maybe I'll consider thinking about forgiving you two." The Mafia Camper, known as Giara Cervel, told the two boys.

And without hesitation, the two immediately did what she said.

With a smile on her face, she left peacefully, leaving the two who were shaking. They thought their lives are gonna end right here, right now. Thought they're gonna die virgins. Well, thankfully, no.

Giara proudly walked towards her way, locked eyes on her beloved Yoichi. All the campers who passed by her just cowered in fear. Must be lucky to be Yoichi.

And just as Giara started calling Yoichi out, a girl stepped in and cutted her off.

Giara stopped in her tracks and observed the girl in front of her. The girl had a (h/l) (f/c) locks and eyes like (you fill in this part).

She was suprised when her beloved Yoichi grin, well since it's Yoichi, she considered it as a smile so.. That girl just made her Yoichi smile.


She immediately stomped towards Yoichi and the girl he was having conversation with.

"Hey Yoichi, do you mind going to the forest with me later? We'll talk there." The girl invited, making Giara pissed even more as she made her way towards them. "Yeah sure, Richgirl. I'll be there before you even get there first." Yoichi grinned at the girl.

"Yoichi, who is this?" The raven asked, visibly fuming with anger.


"Oh! You must be the new camper! Hi, I'm Y/n Nomoru. Pleased to meet you." Y/n greeted.

Ahh.. so this bitch's name is Y/n, huh?

Y/n presented her hand out to her for a handshake. "Hope we can get along." She just smiled while Yoichi on the other hand was quite nervous, considering the fact that he could see the full hate on Giara's face she's giving off at Y/n.

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