Apology accepted

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Y/n's POV

I'm sitting on my bed, prohibited to get off from it. My face full of patches, not really that deep but due to Sebastian being so.. motherly caring, he patched up some on my face.


I don't know what just happened. Angelica threw me against the wall, hitting me with some pencils, pens, scissors. She was cursing at me, saying I "manipulate" and stuff, I still don't get it.

Although, I should be mad at her for doing this to me but, I can't get myself like that. My mind was still questioning, "why" did she do that? Did I do something "wrong"?

Knock knock

"Come in.."

"Mistress Y/n? Are you feeling better?" Sebastian came.

"Yeah sort of.. I guess."

"Oh- Mistress Y/n, Yoichi is here to see you." Sebastian pointed to my window.

Of course, he always come here. Someone I could talk to. I signaled Yoichi to come in, the window was always open for hi. Yoichi climbed inside.



"You good?"

"Mhm. Little by little, thanks for asking."

"Wanna talk about what just happened earlier?" Yoichi asked, his voice was much softer. An actual new side of Yoichi I haven't seen yet.

"Sure." I sit up on my bed, getting myself comfy.

"Well then, I shall take my leave. Mistress Y/n, would you like some tea?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes please. Yoichi?"

"W-well.. c-cookies.. if that's alright.." Yoichi said, looking away as he scratched his cheek with his index finger.

"Of course, make yourself at home Yoichi." Sebastian left after that.

Yoichi sat down on the edge of my bed as he took a deep breath. Looks like he got a lot to say.

"Ok, here's what I've gathered so far, the reason "Angelica" was like that.. because she thought you were controlling our minds. Y'now how puppets work? Yeah just like that. She meant "we". Mr. Perfect, Frogboy, Torchhead, Tech-geek.." Yoichi started.

"That's what I'm asking myself over and over again. I can't get myself to hate her, because.. maybe I've done something wrong. I may not know." I replied back.

"You didn't do shit, Richgirl. We're on our own. We moved on our own, ok? Don't sweat it so much." Yoichi then patted my head. Although his hand is quite heavy but comforting.


Then Yoichi just whispered something. "Although you did make us fall for you.."

"What was that?"

"Nothing." Yoichi then laid down on my bed, across my legs, covered by my blanket.

Sebastian came in with a cup of tea and a plate of cookies. He then left afterwards after giving a bow to me. I took my tea and sipped.

"Hey Richgirl. Toss a cookie up." Yoichi said.

I did what he said. Grabbing a cookie, I tossed it up. "Like that?"

And Yoichi catched the cookie by his mouth and munched on it.

"Ah..." That was amazing actually. I eventually clapped my hands. "Ooohh."

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